This document is part of a set of 5 reports Wave Energy Scotland (WES) has commissioned from the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), through engagement with supply chain companies, to create a set of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) development guidance documents which draw upon the lessons learnt from real sea deployments of marine renewables at the Orkney-based test site.
Four guidance documents have been produced, covering Compliance, Handling, Installation, and Operations and Maintenance. These provide an insight into what technology developers should be considering at early stages of development, notably in areas of offshore operations, HSE, logistics, installation support, and regulatory compliance, and aim to aid WEC developers in making informed design decisions across a range of maturity levels and technology types.
This initial report provides an overview of the process followed to capture the lessons and information from the Orkney Supply Chain, which in turn was used to inform the narrative of the four guidance documents. An overview of the participants from the Orkney Supply Chain is also provided