Wave energy is a renewable energy source that has an immense potential for exploitation as clean energy. Studies on the oscillating water column (OWC) widely pertain to the optimization of its geometries to enhance the wave power absorption; comparatively, the wave-induced loadings on such structures have received lesser attention. Hence, in this study, a detailed experimental investigation was undertaken to investigate the nature and magnitude of the dynamic pressures exerted on different components of the OWC and the total force on the structure subjected to regular wave incidence. In general, the forces were found to increase with wave steepness. In the structural design of the lip wall of the OWC, the seaward exerted pressure also should be considered as a critical parameter because it governs the stability toward the seaside. The total horizontal wave force was noted to be 2.5 to 3 times greater than the total vertical wave force. A comparison of the measured force with results from a standard formula for wave force estimation on vertical wall revealed that the formula overestimated the shoreward force and underestimated the seaward force in the low-frequency zone.