Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 67
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Salinity gradient induced blue energy generation using two-dimensional membranes Manikandan, R., Karishma, S., Kumar, M. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Materials, Performance
Mapping performance of a marine energy harvesting turbine for flow coefficient and Reynolds number with varying Mach number through an automated optimization technique Das, T., Kerikous, E., Janiga, G. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Flow control by leading edge prism cylinders for a wave energy harvesting turbine Sadees, P., Samad, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Performance, Structural
Hydrodynamic analysis of oscillating water column in the presence of seabed undulations Srinu, D., Venkateswarlu, V., Vijay, K. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics
Data-driven model based adaptive feedback-feed forward control schemes for open cycle - OTEC process Pattanaik, B., Sutha, S., Dinesh, D. Journal Article OTEC, Open-Cycle Lab Data, Modeling Control
Performance Enhancement of Fluidic Diode for a Wave Energy System through Genetic Algorithm Kerikous, E., Hithaish, D., Samad, A. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Influence of distinct bottom geometries on the hydrodynamic performance of an OWC device Mohapatra, P., Vijay, K., Bhattacharyya, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Dynamic performance of a fluidic diode subjected to periodic flow Doddamani, H., Samad, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Numerical modelling and design of a small scale wave-powered desalination system Suchithra, R., Das, T., Rajagopalan, K. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Performance
Compact Wave Powered Desalination Unit Rajagopalan, K., Cross, P., Ulm, N. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Performance, Structural
Ocean Wave Energy Systems: Hydrodynamics, Power Takeoff and Control Systems Samad, A., Sannasiraj, S., Sundar, V. Book Wave Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Design optimization of a marine current turbine having winglet on blade Kunasekaran, M., Rhee, S., Venkatesan, N. Journal Article Current Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Numerical study of bean-float wave energy converter with float number parametrization using WEC-Sim in regular waves with the Levelized Cost of Electricity assessment for Indian sea states Chandrasekaran, S., Sricharan, V. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Performance, Structural
Experimental study of Wells turbine with multiparameter modification for wave energy conversion Kumar, A., Das, T., Samad, A. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data Performance, Structural
Wave energy harvesting impulse turbine having ring type blade: Experiments with unsteady flow Raj, R., Anandanarayanan, R., Ravikumar, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data Performance, Power Take Off
A concept of cascading of a fluidic diode for an OWC wave energy converter Hithaish, D., Samad, A., Takao, M. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Structural
Development of a nonlinear model for a latch-controlled point absorber system Nandakumar, K,, Ravikumar, S., Samad, A. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Performance
Time-domain analysis of a bean-shaped multi-body floating wave energy converter with a hydraulic power take-off using WEC-Sim Sricharan, V., Chandrasekaran, S. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Power Take Off, Structural
Surrogate based optimization of a Bi-Directional impulse turbine for OWC-WEC: Effect of guide vane lean and stagger angle for pseudo-sinusoidal wave conditions Ezhilsabareesh, K., Suchithra, R., Thandayutham, K. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Numerical analysis of a new multi-body floating wave energy converter with a linear power take-off system Chandrasekaran, S., Sricharan, V. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Analyzing Different Methods to Increase the Natural Period of a Compact Wave Energy Converter Vijayasankar, V., Samad, A. Book Chapter Wave, Point Absorber Performance, Structural
Analysis of a Floating Wave Energy Converter with Hydraulic Mechanical Power Take-Off Using WEC-Sim and Simscape Chandrasekaran, S., Sricharan, V. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling, Scale Device Array Effects, Mooring, Performance, Power Take Off
The Surface Curvature Effect on Performance of a Laboratory Scale Tidal Turbine Ai, K., Avital, E., Shen, X. Journal Article Current, Tidal Performance, Structural
Development of a Blended Time-Domain Program for Predicting the Motions of a Wave Energy Structure Wang, H., Somayajula, A., Falzarano, J. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Optimization based higher order sliding mode controller for efficiency improvement of a wave energy converter Suchithra, R., Ezhilsabareesh, K., Samad, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Control, Performance
Hydrostructural Optimization of a Marine Current Turbine Through Multi-fidelity Numerical Models Thandayutham, K., Samad, A. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Ocean Current Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
A Blind Comparative Study of Focused Wave Interactions with a Fixed FPSO-like Structure (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 1) Ransley, E., Yan, S., Brown, S. Journal Article Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural, Substructure
Multi-fidelity optimization of blade thickness parameters for a horizontal axis tidal stream turbine Kumar, P., Seo, J., Seok, W. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Performance, Structural
Enhancement of hydrodynamic performance of an Oscillating Water Column with harbour walls Raj, D., Sundar, V., Sannasiraj, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Improved efficiency of a floating wave energy converter under different wave-approach angles: numerical and experimental investigations Chandrasekaran, S., Sricharan, V. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
Velocity and performance correction methodology for hydrokinetic turbines experimented with different geometry of the channel Patel, V., Eldho, T., Prabhu, S. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Riverine Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Development of a reduced order wave to wire model of an OWC wave energy converter for control system analysis Suchithra, R., Ezhilsabareesh, K., Samad, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Effects of Power Take-Off Damping and Model Scaling on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Oscillating Water Column Device Ashlin, S., Sannasiraj, S., Sundar, V. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Experimental analysis of turbine-chamber coupling for wave energy conversion George, A., Anandanarayanan, R., Suchithra, R. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data Performance
Field-testing of model helical-bladed hydrokinetic turbines for small-scale power generation Talukdar, P., Kulkarni, V., Saha, U. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Field Data Performance
Performance Analysis of an Air Turbine for Ocean Energy Extraction Using CFD Technique Thandayutham, K., Samad, A., Salam, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Effect of Turbulence Intensity on the Performance Characteristics of Large-Scale Wells Turbine Kumar, P., Samad, A. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Performance
Experimental Investigation of a Novel Direct Mechanical Drive Wave Energy Converter Vijayasankar, V., Amarnath, G., Sannasiraj, S. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data Power Take Off
Performance of an array of oscillating water column devices integrated with an offshore detached breakwater Ashlin, S., Sannasiraj, S., Sundar, V. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Hybrid functions for nonlinear energy transfers at finite depths Uma, G., Prabhakar, V., Sannasiraj, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
High efficiency design of an impulse turbine used in oscillating water column to harvest wave energy Badhurshah, R., Dudhgaonkar, P., Jalihal, P. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Performance, Structural
Performance analysis of a single stage modified Savonius hydrokinetic turbine having twisted blades Kumar, A., Saini, R. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Pressures and Forces on an Oscillating Water Column–Type Wave Energy Caisson Breakwater Ashlin, S., Sundar, V., Sannasiraj, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column
Integration of wave energy and other marine renewable energy sources with the needs of coastal societies Manasseh, R., Sannasiraj, S., McInnes, K. Journal Article Wave Grid Integration
Optimal Wells turbine speeds at different wave conditions Halder, P., Samad, A. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Assessment of wave energy potential and its harvesting approach along the Indian coast Sannasiraj, S., Sundar, V. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Model predictive control strategy for direct drive PMSG and DFIG for ocean wave energy converter system Luckins, A., Duttagupta, S. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Control, Power Take Off
Effects of bottom profile of an oscillating water column device on its hydrodynamic characteristics Ashlin, S., Sundar, V., Sannasiraj, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Scale Device Hydrodynamics
Investigations into efficiency of vortex induced vibration hydro-kinetic energy device Narendran, K., Murali, K., Sundar, V. Journal Article Current, Vortex-Induced Vibration Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Numerical prediction of the performance of radial inflow turbine designed for ocean thermal energy conversion system Nithesh, K., Chatterjee, D. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Lab Data, Scale Device Performance