This technical report summarises the MeyGen array development / optimisation model updates resulting from high-fidelity flow data field work and data analysis undertaken at the MeyGen site in 2022-2023 (as reported in “MEY-21-2-REP-001-F-MeyGen- 2022 Field Work Analysis Report”, and also the related learning and impacts (if any) on Raz Blanchard site development.
This work included:
Field measurements integration with the array development / optimisation model for the MeyGen site.
Applying the learning to a global Raz Blanchard model to provide a ‘sense check’ for the installed capacity and GWh figures which underpin the Normandie Hydroliennes development business case.
Section 2 outlines the integration of the field measurements, as described in “MEY-21-2-REP-001-FMeyGen- 2022 Field Work Analysis Report”, with the array development / optimisation model for the MeyGen site.
Section 3 outlines the application of the learning from Section 2 to the Raz Blanchard site development, as perceived by Normandie Hydroliennes.