ertical axis turbines, which extract kinetic energy from currents, can produce electricity independently from a current’s direction. Hence, this type of turbines raises interest for harvesting energy from tidal currents, where flow changes direction during flood and ebb tides, and where currents present large variation of direction during tide. Methods for representing vertical axis turbines in tidal farms should be implemented in order to predict correctly power production with an acceptable time cost. The Actuator Cylinder (AC) is one of them. Numerical results in terms of wakes, with the study of velocity profiles, and efforts are compared to experiences, as well as showed that the method is sufficiently accurate and for a reasonable computing time, which is of prime importance for tidal turbines farms studies. The Actuator Cylinder method is implemented in ANSYS Fluent in a 2D stationary resolution. The method is then applied to a double levels of two counter-rotating rotors marine turbine designed by Hydroquest. Wake and power production of a single turbine and several farm configurations are studied under different current conditions (magnitude and direction).