The Actuator Disk (AD) coupled with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is one of the most popular method for modelling the wake of tidal turbines. In this paper, we compare several turbulence models to simulate the wake behind a turbine represented by a porous disk. We use the Standard and Realizable k-ε models, the SST k-ω model and the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM). After solving the problem with the 4 turbulence models, we assess their respective performance. Significant discrepancies are obtained between the models’ results especially in the near wake. The Standard k-ε model gives the best fit with experimental results because it predicts a high production of turbulent kinetic energy in the area of the disk.
On the use of turbulence models for simulating the flow behind a tidal turbine represented by a porous media is located in France.