This report provides wave resource information required to select coastal segments (e.g., see Table 1 and Figure 1) for specific wave-energy-conversion (WEC) technology and to initiate engineering design incorporating production estimates and the wave loading that devices must survive during their life cycle. As the design progresses beyond the preliminary stages, site specific wave resource measurements will be required.
The wave power flux (Po), through a vertical plane of unit width perpendicular to the wave propagation direction is used to represent the resource. As illustrated in the flow diagram below, the spectral parameters (e.g., Hs, Te) are used to quantify estimates of Po (kW/m). Designers use their proprietary transfer function (wave power matrix) to estimate daily, monthly and annual electricity production for specific sites. In addition, they incorporate the extreme events into their survivability design.
Discussion of the proprietary transfer functions, required to determine electricity production with specific devices, is beyond the scope of this report.