Martic, I.
Martic, I.
Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents
Total results: 3
Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Type of Content | Technology | Collection Method | Engineering |
Scaling of wave energy converters for optimum performance in the Adriatic Sea | Martic, I., Degiuli, N., Grlj, C. | Journal Article | Wave | Scale Device | Performance | |
The impact of biofilm on marine current turbine performance | Farkas, A., Degiuli, N., Martic, I. | Journal Article | Current, Axial Flow Turbine | Modeling | Hydrodynamics, Materials, Performance | |
Assessment of Offshore Wave Energy Potential in the Croatian Part of the Adriatic Sea and Comparison with Wind Energy Potential | Farkas, A., Degiuli, N., Martic, I. | Journal Article | Wave | Field Data, Modeling | Hydrodynamics |