Medina-Lopez, E.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 9
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Satellite data for the offshore renewable energy sector: Synergies and innovation opportunities Medina-Lopez, E., McMillan, D., Lazic, J. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave
Thermodynamics of the OWC chamber: Experimental turbine performance under stationary flow Moñino, A., Quirós, C., Mengíbar, F. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
O&M Models for Ocean Energy Converters: Calibrating through Real Sea Data Thomaz, T., Crooks, D., Medina-Lopez, E. Journal Article Wave Field Data, Modeling
Oscillating water column performance under the influence of storm development Medina-Lopez, E., Moñino, A., Bergillos, R. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Performance
Numerical simulation of a simple OWC problem for turbine performance Moñino, A., Medina-Lopez, E., Clavero, M. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance, Power Take Off
Effects of seabed morphology on oscillating water column wave energy converters Medina-Lopez, E., Bergillos, R., Moñino, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Thermodynamics of an OWC containing real gas Medina-Lopez, E., Moñino, A., Borthwick, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
On the reversed LCOE calculation: Design constraints for wave energy commercialization de Andres, A., Medina-Lopez, E., Crooks, D. Journal Article Wave
Note on a real gas model for OWC performance Medina-Lopez, E., Ferrando, A., Gilabert, M. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling