Universidad del Norte (North University)

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 15
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
LAS ENERGÍAS DEL MAR EN LOS PAÍSES DE IBEROAMÉRICA: Políticas, capacidades, recurso e integración en sus redes Pastor, M., Cabrera, I., Mendoza, A. Report
Resource assessment, technology development, public policies, and deploying large-scale projects of marine and ocean energy in Colombia Osorio, A., Roldan-Carvajal, M., Colmenares, F. Conference Paper Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC
Unlocking synergies: comprehensive analysis and challenges in the integration of reverse osmosis with reverse electrodialysis Rojano, S., Marchena, R., Maturana, A. Conference Paper Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Lab Data Hybrid Devices, Performance
Conceptual design of a salinity gradient energy demonstration unit at the Magdalena River mouth Roldan-Carvajal, M., Álvarez-Silva, O., Maturana, A. Conference Paper Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Hydrodynamics
PRO and SWRO experimental synergy: a renewable nexus in the Caribbean Cala, A., Marchena, R., Maturana, A. Presentation Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Lab Data
Construction of a feasibility index for Salinity Gradient Energy (SGE) projects in the Colombian Caribbean region Garrido, T., Alvarez-Silva, O. Conference Paper Salinity Gradient Modeling
Wave energy flux in the Caribbean Sea: Trends and variability Orejarena-Rondón, A., Restrepo, J., Correa-Metrio, A. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Salinity gradient power by reverse electrodialysis: A multidisciplinary assessment in the Colombian context Roldan-Carvajal, M., Vallejo-Castaño, S., Alvarez-Silva, O. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Field Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance
Analysis of the Intake Locations of Salinity Gradient Plants Using Hydrodynamic and Membrane Models Salamanca, J., Alvarez-Silva, O., Higgins, A. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Field Data, Modeling Performance
Variability of the thermohaline structure of a coastal hypersaline lagoon and the implications for salinity gradient energy harvesting Reyes-Mendoza, O., Alvarez-Silva, O., Chiappa-Carrara, X. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Field Data
Effects of water pretreatment on the extractable salinity gradient energy at river mouths: the case of Magdalena River, Caribbean Sea Alvarez-Silva, O., Maturana, A., Pacheco-Bustos, C. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Performance
Potential and analysis of an osmotic power plant in the Magdalena River using experimental field-data Salamanca, J., Alvarez-Silva, O., Tadeo, F. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Field Data, Full Scale Performance
Implementing Salinity Gradient Energy at River Mouths Alvarez-Silva, O. Book Chapter Salinity Gradient Lab Data, Modeling
Practical Global Salinity Gradient Energy Potential Alvarez-Silva, O., Osorio, A., Winter, C. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Modeling
Ocean thermal energy resources in Colombia Devis-Morales, A., Montoya-Sánchez, R., Osorio, A. Journal Article OTEC Modeling