University of São Paulo

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 7
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Application of a revised integration of methods for wave energy converter and farm location pair mapping Rio-Gamero, B., Choupin, O., Melián-Martel, N. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects
Wave energy converter power and capture width classification Choupin, O., Tetu, A., Ferri, F. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
Interrelationship between variables for wave direction-dependent WEC/site-configuration pairs using the CapEx method Choupin, O., Henriksen, M., Tomlinson, R. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Field Data, Modeling Performance
Premises for an annual energy production and capacity factor improvement towards a few optimised wave energy converters configurations and resources pairs Choupin, O., Tetu, A., Del Rio-Gamero, B. Journal Article Wave Array Effects, Grid Integration, Performance
Integration of assessment-methods for wave renewable energy: Resource and installation feasibility Choupin, O., Rio-Gamero, B., Schallenberg-Rodriguez, J. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
A decision-making process for wave energy converter and location pairing Choupin, O., Andutta, F., Etemad-Shahidi, A. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
Considerations on the control design for a three-tether wave energy converter Sergiienko, N., Cazzolato, B., Arjomandi, M. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Control, Power Take Off