This paper focuses on dynamic modeling, simulation, control and energy management in an isolated integrated power generation system consisting of a 315 kW offshore wind turbine, a 175 kW tidal turbine, a 290 kW microturbine, and a 3.27 kAh lead acid battery storage. A first, due to efficient and economical utilization of the renewable energy resources, optimal sizing of the hybrid system is accomplished based on economic analysis using genetic algorithms. A model of power-consumption for a microturbine is obtained using least square estimation algorithm based on capstone™ company data and is suggested for implementing at economic analysis. For extraction of maximum energy from a variable speed wind turbine, a developed Lyapunov model reference adaptive feedback linearization method accompanied by an indirect space vector control is applied. Because of more reliability, more fuel flexibility, less environmental pollution, less noise generation and less power fluctuation in comparison with a diesel generator, a microturbine integrated with battery storage is suggested as a back up for this system.
A supervisory controller is designed for energy management between the maximum energy captured from the wind turbine and consumed energies of the load, dump load, energy of the battery based on state of charge and generated energy by the microturbine. Dynamic modeling and simulation are fulfilled using MATLAB Simulink™7.2.