Archimedes Screw Turbines (ASTs) can become a popular device to generate electricity from hydraulic power at very low-head or nearly zero-head places. In this article, the performance of ASTs is numerically investigated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to assess different screw rotation speeds, volume flow rates, and inclination angles. The numerical model is validated using experimental data, showing that the results computed using 5 million mesh cells lead to a relative error of 0.69% for a volume flow rate of 1.13 l/s, a rotation speed of 10 rad/s, and an inclination angle of 24.9ᵒ. Simulations are used to assess how mechanical torque and efficiency change with volume flow rate and inclination angle. Based on the results, CFD is a reliable tool for AST behavior study, predicting its performance, and visualizing pressure and velocity fields.