Archimedes Screw

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 31
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Analysis and optimization of a deep-water in-situ power generation system based on novel ductless Archimedes screw hydrokinetic turbines Zhang, D., Guo, P., Qian, Y. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Hydrodynamics
Co-enhancements of several design parameters of an archimedes spiral turbine for hydrokinetic energy conversion Badawy, Y., Nawar, M., Attai, Y. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Archimedes Screw, Riverine Modeling Performance, Structural
Introducing a design procedure for Archimedes Screw Turbine based on optimization algorithm Shahverdi, K., Najafi, G., Mamat, R. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Parametric study and Multi-Objective optimization of a ductless Archimedes screw hydrokinetic Turbine: Experimental and numerical investigation Zhang, D., Guo, P., Hu, Q. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
CFD numerical simulation of Archimedes screw turbine with power output analysis Shahverdi, K., Loni, R., Maestre, J. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance, Power Take Off
Design optimization of an Archimedes screw turbine for hydrokinetic applications using the response surface methodology Bouvant, M., Betancour, J., Velásquez, L. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Efficiency evaluation of a ductless Archimedes turbine: Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations Zitti, G., Fattore, F., Brunori, A. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Numerical Optimization Study of Archimedes Screw Turbine (AST): A case study Shahverdi, K., Loni, R., Ghobadian, B. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Computational fluid dynamics modeling for the design of Archimedes Screw Generator Dellinger, G., Garambois, P., Dellinger, N. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance
Previous hydraulic studies of Archimedes screw power generators (ASGs) have been mostly at laboratory scale. The validity of scaling up models based on these studies for application in field-scale ASGs has been a major research gap. This study developed a Kozyn, A., Songin, K., Gharabagi, B. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling
A power loss model for Archimedes screw generators Kozyn, A., Lubitz, W. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Experimental Analysis of Archimedes Screw Turbines Songin, K. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Experimental Study of Screw Turbine Performance based on Different Angle of Inclination Erinofiardi, Nuramal, A., Bismantolo, P. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data Performance, Structural
Optimal design and operation of Archimedes screw turbines using Bayesian optimization Lisicki, M., Lubitz, W., Taylor, G. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Modeling and experimental results of an Archimedes screw turbine Rohmer, J., Knittel, D., Sturtzer, G. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Power Loss Model for Archimedes Screw Turbines Kozyn, A. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Experimental investigation and performance analysis of Archimedes screw generator Dellinger, G., Terfous, A., Garambois, P. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Analysing the performance of the Archimedes screw turbine within tidal range technologies Waters, S. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Over 2000 years in review: Revival of the Archimedes Screw from Pump to Turbine Waters, S., Aggidis, G. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw
Experimental Investigation of Helical Tidal Turbine Characteristics with Different Twists Pongduang, S., Kayankannavee, C., Tiaple, Y. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Scale Device Performance
Tidal energy machines: A comparative life cycle assessment study Walker, S., Howell, R., Hodgson, P. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw, Tidal
Lab Testing and Modeling of Archimedes Screw Turbines Lyons, M. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Field Data, Lab Data, Modeling
Performance Model of Archimedes Screw Hydro Turbines with Variable Fill Level Lubitz, W., Lyons, M., Simmons, S. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Investigating the Hydrodynamic Behavior of Innovative Archimedean Hydropower Turbines Stergiopoulou, A., Kalkani, E. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data Performance, Structural
Archimedes Screws for Microhydro Power Generation Lyons, M., Lubitz, W. Conference Paper Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data Performance
Analytical Model for Water Inflow of an Archimedes Screw Used in Hydropower Generation Nuernbergk, D., Rorres, C. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Archimedes in Cephalonia and in Euripus Strait: Modern Horizontal Archimedean Screw Turbines for Recovering Marine Power Stergiopoulou, A., Stergiopoulos, V. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw
Structural Analysis of an Archimedes Screw and a Kinetic Hydro Turbine Krybill, Z. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling
An eagle’s CFD view of Studying Innovative Archimedean Screw Renewable Hydraulic Energy Systems Stergiopoulou, A., Stergiopoulos, V., Kalkani, E. Conference Paper Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Back to the Future: Rediscovering the Archimedean Screws as Modern Turbines for Harnessing Greek Small Hydropower Potential Stergiopoulou, A., Stergiopoulos, V., Kalkani, E. Conference Paper Current, Archimedes Screw
The Turn of the Screw: Optimal Design of an Archimedes Screw Rorres, C. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Structural