The estimation of energy production of a given WEC (wave energy converter) at a given coastal site is the basis for correct decision-making regarding wave energy exploitation in a coastal region. Nevertheless, the procedure followed by the conventional approach to characterize the wave energy resource does not provide the required information to obtain an accurate estimate. In this work, this information is provided for the region with the greatest resource in the Iberian Peninsula, the Death Coast (NW Spain). For this purpose, a geospatial database is produced by using a methodology which involves the consideration of virtually the totality of the resource together with the implementation of a high resolution spectral numerical model. In addition, a Matlab-based toolbox called WEDGE (Wave Energy Diagram GEnerator) is implemented to access the database and automatically generate high resolution energy diagrams (or characterization matrices) of the wave energy resource at any coastal location within this region. In this way, a precise computation of energy production of any WEC at any site of interest can now be performed. Finally, the functionality of the database is shown through a case study of a recently proposed wave farm.