Powertech Labs Inc

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 7
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Network Security Assessments for Integrating Large-Scale Tidal Current and Ocean Wave Resources Into Future Electrical Grids Khan, J., Leon, D. , Moshref, A. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Grid Integration
A generic outline for dynamic modeling of ocean wave and tidal current energy conversion systems Khan, J., Moshref, A., Bhuyan, G. Conference Paper Current, Wave Modeling Grid Integration
Hydrokinetic energy conversion systems and assessment of horizontal and vertical axis turbines for river and tidal applications: A technology status review Khan, M., Bhuyan, G., Iqbal, M. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Cross Flow Turbine
Ocean Energy: Global Technology Development Status Khan, J., Bhuyan, G. Report Current, Wave
Ocean wave and tidal current conversion technologies and their interaction with electrical networks Khan, J., Bhuyan, G., Moshref, A. Conference Paper Current, Wave Grid Integration
An assessment of variable characteristics of the Pacific northwest region's wave and tidal current power resources, and their interaction with electricity demand and implications for large scale development scenarios for the region : phase 1 Khan, J., Bhuyan, G., Moshref, A. Report Current, Tidal, Wave Grid Integration
The Strategy for the Next Five Years – International Energy Agency’s Ocean Energy Systems (IEA-OES) Implementing Agreement Bhuyan, G., Brito-Melo, A. Conference Paper Wave