Regional long-term wave hindcast with state-of-art third-generation models is essential for characterization of regional wave resources. This report summarizes modeling efforts for the simulation of the wave climate along southern Alaska, which used an unstructured, nested-grid modeling approach that incorporates a global-regional nested grid using WAVEWATCH III® and the high-resolution SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) model. Wave resource and wave bulk parameters were simulated for a 32-year period from 1979 to 2010 and were subsequently validated with wave buoy data in the model domain. Error statistics of model skills were calculated at all buoy stations. Overall, model results, both resource and bulk parameters, match observations well. The model hindcast was able to reproduce the seasonal variation of the sea state with large waves that occur in the winter and early spring months when wind forcing is strong and the calm sea state during the summer when wind forcing is weak. The hindcast also considers the effect of sea ice on wave growth, which affects the southern Bering Sea. The hindcast results, including resource and bulk parameters, were archived at every model grid point for the entire model domain at three-hour intervals. In addition, spectral results were saved at National Data Buoy Center buoy stations and selected virtual buoy locations at hourly intervals. The nested-grid modeling framework employed in this study provides a powerful and efficient modeling approach for accurately simulating wave climate at regional and long-term temporal scales with sufficiently fine resolutions in the nearshore region.