Ocean energy resources are attractive renewable supply alternatives for North America because good wave, tidal and river energy resources are found in close proximity to population centers. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) established two North American collaborative programs to demonstrate ocean energy conversion in North America. The two collaborative programs bring together the resources and knowledge of 10 State Agencies, 2 Federal Agencies, 17 Electric Power Utilities, 3 Universities and over 30 Technology Developers. This paper summarizes key findings of these collaborative programs and provides the current status of the North American wave, tidal in-stream and river in-stream programs.
Ocean energy accomplishments in North America to date include:
The first two tidal in-stream demonstration plants began operation in late 2006
Approximately 30 preliminary permits applications for tidal plants have been filed by private investors with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Nova Scotia Power has announced a multi million dollar tidal in- stream pilot demonstration plant
Approximetaly 10 preliminary permits applications for wave plants have been filed with FERC.
The first full license application for a wave plant was filed with FERC in November, 2006
A river in-stream energy conversion feasibility study is underway.