Kennedy, B.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 10
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
SEASNAKE: Impact - Marine operations modelling for evidence-based results detailing the impact of using a new fully dynamic cable design for ocean energy devices. Kennedy, B., Giorgi, S., Senar, A. Conference Paper Current, Wave Modeling Substructure
Enabling the Ocean Internet of Things with Renewable Marine Energy Topper, M., Jarnoux, N., Costello, R. Conference Paper Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC Lab Data, Modeling Control
Operations and maintenance optimisation for a 100 MW wave energy farm in Ireland Giorgi, S., Henry, A., Kennedy, B. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling
Wave Farm Design: Simulation of Marine Operations for Improved Cost of Energy Henry, A., Giorgi, S., Kennedy, B. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
Stakeholder requirements for commercially successful wave energy converter farms Babarit, A., Bull, D., Dykes, K. Journal Article Wave
International Energy Agency Ocean Energy Systems Task 10 Wave Energy Converter Modeling Verification and Validation Wendt, F., Yu, Y., Nielsen, K. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics
Cost, Time, and Risk Assessment of Different Wave Energy Converter Technology Development Trajectories Weber, J., Laird, D., Costello, R. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Performance
Scoring the Technology Performance Level (TPL) Assessment Bull, D., Costello, R., Babarit, A. Conference Paper Wave Performance
Technology Performance Level Assessment Methodology Roberts, J., Bull, D., Malins, R. Report Wave Performance
Systems Engineering Applied to the Development of a Wave Energy Farm Roberts, J., Bull, D., Costello, R. Report Wave