Nam, B.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 11
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
A Study on Wave Energy Conversion Problem of Turbine-Integrated OWC Chamber Kim, J-S., Park, S., Kim, G. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Experimental study on hydrodynamic behavior and energy conversion of multiple oscillating-water-column chamber in regular waves Kim, J-S., Nam, B., Kim, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data Array Effects, Performance
Numerical investigation on hydrodynamic energy conversion performance of breakwater-integrated oscillating water column-wave energy converters Kim, J-S., Nam, B., Park, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
A Numerical Study on Hydrodynamic Performance of an Inclined OWC Wave Energy Converter with Nonlinear Turbine–Chamber Interaction based on 3D Potential Flow Kim, J., Nam, B., Kim, K. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Ocean Energy Systems Wave Energy Modelling Task: Modelling, Verification and Validation of Wave Energy Converters Wendt, F., Nielsen, K., Yu, Y. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
OES Task 10 WEC heaving sphere performance modelling verification Nielsen, K., Wendt, F., Yu, Y. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics
Numerical Study on Performance Analysis for OWC WEC Applicable to Breakwater Park, S., Kim, K., Nam, B. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data Performance
Initial Design of OWC WEC Applicable to Breakwater in Remote Islands Kim, K., Nam, B., Park, S. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Structural
International Energy Agency Ocean Energy Systems Task 10 Wave Energy Converter Modeling Verification and Validation Wendt, F., Yu, Y., Nielsen, K. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics
A Parametric Study on Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Applicable to Breakwater Park, S., Nam, B., Kim, K. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Performance
Numerical Simulation of Wave Flow Over the Spiral-Reef Overtopping Device Nam, B., Shin, S. , Hong, K. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Modeling