The Philippines is an archipelagic country with a lot of straits and channels, the ocean renewable energy has great development potential in this country. Mindanao is the second largest island located in the northern part of Philippines. Unlike Europe, the lack of a database of the wave profiles and tidal current velocity profiles is a major challenge for a developing country like the Philippines. A preliminary investigation for the nearshore renewable energy resource in Mindanao is presented to identify the potential sites and applicable technologies for offshore wind, wave and tidal. There are two sites with favourable wind speed and suitable water depth and two sites with high wave energy flux in Mindanao. Three probable locations are found to be ideal areas for the tidal stream turbines. However, the flow speed is lower than 1m/s and one of the bathymetries in these sites is relatively complicate. Some available Tidal Stream Turbine (TST) technologies are discussed to adopt the energy in these sites. As a conclusion, it is acceptable for the administration to develop the nearshore renewable energy in Mindanao.