Cardiff University

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 91
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Assessing hydrodynamic impacts of tidal range energy impoundments in UK coastal waters Roome, E., Robins, P., Ahmadian, R. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Providing distributed electrical generation through retrofitting disused docks as tidal range energy schemes Hanousek, N., Ahmadian, R., Lesurf, E. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
Development of a Tool to Optimise Tidal Stream Energy Sites Evans, P., Xue, J., Williams, D. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling
Impact of lateral turbine spacing on the performance of a multi-rotor tidal energy device Smith, R., Townley, B., Wray, B. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
Using vortex generators for flow separation control on tidal turbine profiles and blades Manolesos, M., Chung, L., Kaufmann, N. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Assessment of combined wind and wave energy in the tropical cyclone affected region:An application in China seas Li, J., Pan, S., Chen, Y. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance
Performance analysis of a coast – OWC wave energy converter integrated system Gang, A., Guo, B., Hu, Z. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Performance, Structural
Numerical study of the effect of tip-speed ratio on hydrokinetic turbine wake recovery Fajri, O., Bowman, J., Bhushan, S. Journal Article Current Modeling Hydrodynamics, Materials, Structural
Experimental investigation of the wake characteristics behind twin vertical axis turbines Müller, S., Muhawenimana, V., Wilson, C. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Scale Device Hydrodynamics
Performance and wake characteristics of tidal turbines in an infinitely large array Ouro, P., Nishino, T. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Tidal Stream and Ocean Current Energy- the benefits of harvesting lesser energetic flows Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Calvillo-Munoz, C., Marino-Tapia, I. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Ocean Current Modeling Structural
Wake Effects on a Downstream Tidal Stream Turbine Ellis, R., Lloyd, C., Allmark, M. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling, Test Center Array Effects, Performance
Characterisation of the Nearshore Renewable Energy Resource and Applicable Technologies in the Mindanao Province of Philippines Fu, S., Johnstone, C., Encarnacion, J. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
CFD analysis of wave-current configurations in relation to the operation of tidal stream turbines Lloyd, C., Allmark, M., Ordonez, S. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Performance analysis of model-scale tidal stream turbines situated in different array configurations Allmark, M., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Myers, L. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling Array Effects, Performance
Flexible Operation Optimisation of Tidal Lagoons Xue, J., Ahmadian, R., Evans, P. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling
A Phenomenological Study of Lab-Scale Tidal Turbine Loading under Combined Irregular Wave and Shear Flow Conditions Allmark, M., Martinez, R., Ordonez-Sanchez, S. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Structural
Theoretical modelling of the three-dimensional wake of vertical axis turbines Ouro, P., Lazennec, M. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Design of tidal range energy generation schemes using a Genetic Algorithm model Xue, J., Ahmadian, R., Jones, O. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Performance
The impact of turbulence and turbine operating condition on the wakes of tidal turbines Ebdon, T., Allmark, M., O'Doherty, D. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
Focused wave interactions with floating structures: a blind comparative study Ransley, E., Brown, S., Hann, M. Journal Article Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring
Validation of the dynamic load characteristics on a Tidal Stream Turbine when subjected to wave and current interaction Lloyd, C., Allmark, M., Ordonez-Sanchez, S. Journal Article Current, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Optimisation of tidal range schemes Xue, J. Thesis Current, Tidal Modeling Control, Grid Integration
Analysis of the effects of control strategies and wave climates on the loading and performance of a laboratory scale horizontal axis tidal turbine Martinez, R., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Allmark, M. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal Control
Modelling Study of Transport Time Scales for a Hyper Tidal Estuary Gao, G., Xia, J., Falconer, R. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
The development, design and characterisation of a scale model Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbine for dynamic load quantification Allmark, M., Ellis, R., Lloyd, C. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance, Structural
Performance assessment of a tidal turbine using two flow references Harrold, M. , Ouro, P., O'Doherty, T. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling, Full Scale Performance
A detailed study of tidal turbine power production and dynamic loading under grid generated turbulence and turbine wake operation Allmark, M., Ellis, R., Ebdon, T. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Scale Device Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Flume testing of passively adaptive composite tidal turbine blades under combined wave and current loading Porter, K., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Murray, R. Journal Article Wave Lab Data Performance
Power variability of tidal-stream energy and implications for electricity supply Lewis, M., McNaughton, J., Márquez-Dominguez, C. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data Hydrodynamics, Performance
Implementation of a Full Momentum Conservative Approach in Modelling Flow Through Tidal Structures Čož, N., Ahmadian, R., Falconer, R. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Numerical models to predict the performance of tidal stream turbines working under off-design conditions Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Ellis, R., Porter, K. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
A Blind Comparative Study of Focused Wave Interactions with a Fixed FPSO-like Structure (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 1) Ransley, E., Yan, S., Brown, S. Journal Article Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural, Substructure
Energy Yield Assessment from Ocean Currents in the Insular Shelf of Cozumel Island Alcerreca-Huerta, J., Encarnacion, J., Ordonez-Sanchez, S. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Field Data
Three-dimensionality of the wake recovery behind a vertical axis turbine Ouro, P., Runge, S., Luo, Q. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data Hydrodynamics
Rotor Loading Characteristics of a Full-Scale Tidal Turbine Harrold, H. , Ouro, P. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Full Scale Hydrodynamics, Performance
Impact of Environmental Turbulence on the Performance and Loadings of a Tidal Stream Turbine Ouro, P., Stoesser, T. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics
Analysis of a Horizontal-Axis Tidal Turbine Performance in the Presence of Regular and Irregular Waves Using Two Control Strategies Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Allmark, M., Porter, K. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data Control, Performance
Tidal range energy resource and optimization – Past perspectives and future challenges Neill, S., Angeloudis, A., Robins, P. Journal Article Current, Tidal Array Effects
The Development and Testing of a Lab-Scale Tidal Stream Turbine for the Study of Dynamic Device Loading Allmark, M., Ellis, R., Porter, K. Conference Paper Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Scale Device
Defining a Marine Turbine Condition-Based Maintenance and Management Strategy for Low Velocities in Mexico Rojo-Zazueta, E., Marino-Tapia, I., Silva, R. Conference Paper Current, Tidal
Design Process for a Scale Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbine Blade Ellis, R., Allmark, M., O'Doherty, T. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Performance, Structural
Blade Element Momentum Theory to Predict the Effect of Wave-Current Interactions on the Performance of Tidal Stream Turbines Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Porter, K., Allmark, M. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling
Wake measurement metrics and the dependence of tidal turbine wakes on turbine operating condition Ebdon, T., O'Doherty, D. , O'Doherty, T. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Performance
Development of a Wave-Current Numerical Model using Stokes 2nd Order Theory Lloyd, C., O'Doherty, T., Mason, A. Conference Paper Current, Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Laboratory Study of Tidal Turbine Performance in Irregular Waves Porter, K., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Allmark, M. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Lab Data, Scale Device Performance
Tidal Energy Technology O'Doherty, T., O'Doherty, D. , Mason-Jones, A. Book Chapter Current Structural
The development of structure-based tidal stream turbine condition monitoring systems He, J. Thesis Current, Tidal Lab Data
Dynamic Loading of Tidal Turbine Arrays Allmark, M., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Porter, K. Report Current, Tidal Scale Device Performance
Sensitivity of tidal lagoon and barrage hydrodynamic impacts and energy outputs to operational characteristics Angeloudis, A., Falconer, R. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics