One of the clean energy available annually is wave energy which has massive energy stored but is not used widely due to locations, depths, near-shore and offshore. There are many different wave energy conversion systems patented worldwide, such as the point absorber, which is used in this work. An innovative design for the float has been developed with an inverted cup. This system aims to generate power effectively from irregular and regular waves. One of the features of this system is a mechanical unidirectional motion under the effect of the reciprocating wave motion. This work includes an experimental assessment of the efficiency of this system by using an innovative float design. The outcomes indicate the high compatibility between the mechanical system and the moving floats. Modifications are executed for the float by inserting a baffle around it with 1.6 times the float diameter. Experimental results indicated that the captured efficiency for the float 30 cm with a baffle is 19% instead of 6% for the float 50 cm in diameter without a baffle. The efficiency is increased 3 times more than conventional design as well as superior performance under the effect of regular wave patterns was obtained.