Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (Cooperative) is filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) an updated Proposed Study Plan (PSP) describing the studies proposed for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project), FERC No. 14873, in accordance with 18 CFR §5.11. The Cooperative is seeking an original license for the proposed Project and has elected to use FERC’s Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) as described in 18 CFR Part 5. The Project would be located in southwest Alaska on the Nuyakuk River approximately 60 miles north of Dillingham, AK (pop. 2,364) near Tikchik Lake in the watershed that drains the eastern side of the Wood River Mountains. The Project will consist of a single primary development centered around a river intake/diversion located above Nuyakuk Falls and a single powerhouse facility located downstream below Nuyakuk Falls (Figures 2-4 and 2-5). Additional Project facilities will include two tunnels to convey water from the intake to the powerhouse, a tailrace conveyance channel to return water to the Nuyakuk River, an airstrip with local access roads, a small building to house a maintenance shop on the lower level and an operators’ residence on the upper level, and an electrical transformer and switchyard area to step power up for high-voltage (34.5 kV) conveyance via overhead transmission to Dillingham, AK and the other communities served via the transmission routes.