MTIGATE the production of CO2 is one of the worldwide goals, because these greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) contribute to the climate change. To reduce the environmental impacts of GHG, several projects of technological development of the Renewables have been performed. Colombia is a country committed with the energy transition, and thanks to its geography has the chance for accessing to different renewable energy sources [1]. According to Quintero and Rueda-Bayona [2] Colombia has tidal energy in the central Pacific. They calculated the energy potentials of tidal currents in the central zone of the Colombian Pacific coast through hydrodynamic modeling (Delft3D), validated with in situ data, and found that in Bahía Málaga and Buenaventura exist potential for implementing tidal turbines.
To harness marine energy there are different devices, which have been designed to generate electricity for commercial use, therefore, the cost of energy is an important criterion [3]. Magagna et al. [4] conducted a critical review of ocean energy development in Europe, and described the political context of the European Union (EU) and pointed several challenges to overcome for implementing ocean energy technologies. The study concluded that marine energy development is hampered by technological development, finance and markets, environmental and administrative issues, and grid availability. Therefore, in order to carry out a project to implement technology that allows the use of tidal energy, it is necessary to make a technical and economic evaluation.
The development of tidal technologies has progressed significantly in recent years, where different companies are testing prototypes and monitoring demonstration arrays [5]. The planning of new investments for new energy projects, the LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) is a useful parameter, which provides an estimate of the cost of electricity over a period of time and reflects the capital cost, operating cost, dismantling cost and expected annual energy production (AEP) [5].
To achieve a technical-economic evaluation it is necessary to take into account many aspects, e.g., Santolin et al. [6] presented a method to size the capacity of a small hydroelectric power plant based on technical-economic analysis, considering the type of turbine, machine dimensions, annual energy production, maximum installation height to avoid the onset of cavitation, machine cost, net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR), allowing to choose the appropriate design of operational conditions, what enhance the profitability and viability of the plant. Jeroen et al [7] showed a technoeconomic optimization method for small wind turbines, and developed a turbine cost model by collecting price data from wind turbine manufacturers. The results of the optimization process confirm that the economic performance increases considerably by significantly increasing the ratio between the rotor size and the power of the powertrain. Giacomo et al. [8] performed an evaluation of the LCOE for a self-balancing tidal kinetic turbine (SintEnergy), which showed a low CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) and high LCOE because it is in the development stage. Barbarelli et al [9] carried out the techno-economic evaluation of a self-balancing tidal kinetic turbine array configuration. First, he defined technical and performance evaluation of the array, constituted by several connected turbines, then, by means of an economic model he detected the optimal number and diameter of the turbines, finally he applied the methodology in Messina Strait - Italy, where he evaluated the annual energy yield and the levelized cost of energy, showing that an array of 5 turbines of 5 m diameter can ensure the lowest LCOE among the evaluated configurations. Rodrigues et al [10] performed a cost-benefit analysis based on a hydromorphodynamic model applied to a tidal energy project using an Evopod prototype in the Ria Formosa, Algarve (Portugal). The results showed that with the current costs and benefits, the project is not economically viable. However, there are ranges of admissible parameters that make the project viable, such as a significant reduction in investment costs, the increment of the capacity factors and favourable energy prices.
Considering the literature review, two types of turbines were identified with technical characteristics to operate properly in marine waters of the Colombian Pacific, with technical-economic information which is uncommon to find in the open literature. To this end, this paper evaluated the two current turbines mentioned above to identify potentialities for their implementation in Colombia. The evaluation used technical-economic parameters such as LCOE for the two turbine models, also including factors such as site-depth, flow velocity and water properties.