Levelized Cost of Energy

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 297
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Health-sensitive control of wave energy converters: A primer Ziaei, A., Said, H., Ringwood, J. Journal Article Wave
Evaluating the economic viability of near-future wave energy development along the Galician coast using LCoE analysis for multiple wave energy devices deCastro, M., Lavidas, G., Arguilé-Pérez, B. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Point Absorber, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, Attenuator
Techno-economic assessment of global and regional wave energy resource potentials and profiles in hourly resolution Satymov, R., Bogdanov, D., Dadashi, M. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling
Wave energy converter farm feasibility assessment in southwest Baja California, Mexico Sánchez, A., Mendoza, E. Journal Article Wave Field Data Array Effects
Developing a Wave Energy Converter in Offshore Environments with Sea Ice Kolset, A. Thesis Wave, Point Absorber
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Economics: Updates and Strategies Vega, L., Martin, B. Report OTEC Modeling
Tidal Stream Technology Roadmap ORE Catapult Report Current, Tidal Performance
Techno-economic assessment of offshore wind and hybrid wind–wave farms with energy storage systems Gao, Q., Bechlenberg, A. , Jayawardhana, B. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Prefeasibility design of a tidal barrage power plant in Tumaco, Colombia Maya, M., Rueda-Bayona, J. Conference Paper Current, Tidal
Optimization of a wave energy park using a spectral wave model and a binary genetic algorithm Santiago-Ojeda, E., Garcia-Nava, H., Gutiérrez-López, E. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
Potential of renewable energies from ocean resources in the Colombian Caribbean Peña, J., Garcia, D., Illidge, J. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC
Techno-economic Modeling of Marine Energy Systems with the System Advisor Model Baca, E. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Performance
Technical-economic assessment for the construction of tidal stream turbines in Valle del Cauca, Colombia Salazar, A., Garcia, J., Rueda-Bayona, J. Conference Paper Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Riverine
The Neowave wave energy converter: Technical and financial approach Posada, J. Presentation Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data Performance, Structural
The Neowave wave energy converter: Technical and financial approach. Posada, J. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber
Aquatic Renewable Energy Potential in Colombia: A Preliminary Study Colmenares-Quintero, R., Rojas, N., Baquero-Almazo, M. Conference Paper Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC
Machine learning-based diagnosis in wave power plants for cost reduction using real measured experimental data: Mutriku Wave Power Plant M'zoughi, F., Lekube, J., Garrido, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Field Data Power Take Off
A systematic methodology to assess local economic impacts of ocean renewable energy projects: Application to a tidal energy farm Bianchi, M., Fernandez, I. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
Energy and economic analysis of an ocean thermal energy conversion plant for Bangladesh: A case study Rashid, A., Nakib, T., Shahriar, T. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling
Conceptual design and optimisation of a novel hybrid device for capturing offshore wind and wave energy Faraggiana, E., Sirigu, M., Ghigo, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Structural
Role of R717 blends in ocean thermal energy conversion organic Rankine cycle Hu, Z., Chen, Y., Zhang, C. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling Performance
Theoretical, numerical and experimental research on an innovative ocean thermal energy conversion coupled VMD desalination system Ma, Q., Liu, X., Tong, L. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Lab Data, Modeling
Theoretical analysis on temperature-lifting cycle for ocean thermal energy conversion Zhang, Z., Yuan, H., Yi, S. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling Performance
Integration of ocean thermal energy conversion and pumped thermal energy storage: system design, off-design and LCOS evaluation Ghilardi, A., Baccioli, A., Frate, G. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance
Adaptive systematic optimization of a multi-axis ocean wave energy converter Shadmani, A., Nikoo, M., Gandomi, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Performance comparison of pelamis, wavestar, langley, oscillating water column and Aqua Buoy wave energy converters supplying islands energy demands Jahangir, M., Alimohamadi, R., Montazeri, M. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, Attenuator Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance
Review on research approaches for multi-point absorber wave energy converters He, G., Luan, Z., Zhang, W. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics
Reviewing the energy, environment, and economy prospects of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) systems Aresti, L., Christodoulides, P., Michailides, C. Journal Article OTEC
The global techno-economic potential of floating, closed-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion Langer, J., Blok, K. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling
Techno-economic feasibility of marine eco-parks driven by wave energy: A case study at the coastal arid region of Mexico Gorr-Pozzi, E., Garcia-Nava, H., Garcia-Vega, F. Journal Article Wave
Offshore versus onshore: The underestimated impact of onshore wind and solar photovoltaics for the energy transition of the British Isles Diesing, D., Bogdanov, D., Satymov, R. Journal Article Modeling
HAPiGYM: Two Rapid Prototyping Environments for Wave Energy Control Price, A., Campos-Gaona, D., Davey, T. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data, Modeling Control, Structural
Hybrid wind-wave systems: The case of the VolturnUS-S semi-submersible platform Hengstmann, M, Portillo, J., Gato, L. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Structural
Wave-to-Wire Control of an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy System Equipped with a Wells Turbine Rosati, M., Said, H., Ringwood, J. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Spectral control co-design of wave energy converter array layout Peña-Sanchez, Y., Garcia-Violini, D., Penalba, M. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data, Modeling Array Effects, Control
Leveraging Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Detection of Tidal Blade Damage Syed, M., Goggins, J., Shahryar Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Structural
Reliability and Cost Assessment of Critical Components: Electrical generator failure of IDOM wave energy converter Chozas, J., Johannesson, P., Cruz, J. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data Performance
Development of control strategies for novel systems of a full scale OWC for the WEDUSEA project Kelly, J., Lewis, T., Barrett, S. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling, Full Scale Control, Grid Integration, Performance
Weight Reduction Methodologies for Wave Energy Devices O'Shea, M., Sharvin, R. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Materials, Structural
Effects of projected wave climate changes on the sizing and performance of OWCs: a focus on the Mediterranean and Atlantic European coastal waters Simonetti, I., Cappietti, L. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data Structural
4E analyses and multi-objective optimization for an innovative solar-ocean thermal energy conversion/air conditioning system Tian, Z., Zou, X., Zhang, Y. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance
Role and Value of Tidal Stream Generation in the Future UK Energy System Further Sensitivity Studies Pudjianto, D. Report Current, Tidal Modeling
A comparison of two wave energy converters’ power performance and mooring fatigue characteristics – One WEC vs many WECs in a wave park with interaction effects Shao, X., Ringsberg, J., Yao, H. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Field Data Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Performance, Structural
Delivering Net Zero: Forecasting Wave and Tidal Stream Deployment in UK Waters by 2050 Grattan, K., Jeffrey, H. Report Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling
Wave Energy Array Optimization in Irregular Waves Liu, S. Thesis Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Performance
Mooring designs for a combined wind and wave energy system in intermediate water depth Fjermedal, S. Thesis Wave Modeling Mooring
Paradigmatic case of long-term colocated wind–wave energy index trend in Canary Islands Ulazia, A., Sáenz, J., Saenz-Aguirre, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Performance
TIGER Data Collection and Survey Best Practice Report 2022 University of Exeter Report Current, Tidal Modeling
Techno-economic analysis of In-stream technology: A review Bajpai, U., Singpal, S. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Performance, Structural
Energy harvesting performance of a tandem-hydrofoil based closely-interconnected tidal array Wang, G., Feng Ng, B. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling Array Effects, Performance, Structural