Ying, Y.
Ying, Y.
Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents
Total results: 3
Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Type of Content | Technology | Collection Method | Engineering |
A coupled numerical framework for hybrid floating offshore wind turbine and oscillating water column wave energy converters | Zhang, D., Chen, Z., Liu, X. | Journal Article | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Modeling, Scale Device | Control, Hybrid Devices, Performance, Power Take Off | |
Research on the tandem arrangement of the ducted horizontal-axis tidal turbine | Feng, B., Liu, X., Ying, Y. | Journal Article | Current, Tidal | Lab Data, Modeling | Array Effects | |
Wave energy converter of inverse pendulum with double action power take off | Zhang, D., Li, W., Ying, Y. | Journal Article | Wave | Modeling | Power Take Off |