This overview report has been prepared by Wave Energy Scotland (WES) and is intended as a brief guide to the contents of the reports produced for WES by Aquamarine Power Limited (APL) as part of Project Know-How.
Project Know-How is part of the on-going knowledge capture work within WES, where lessons, knowledge and key operational experiences were captured from the wave energy sector in Scotland, and in particular the technology development companies based there.
The Aquamarine Power Limited Know-How reports cover the experiences from the development and installation of the Oyster 1 and Oyster 800 Wave Energy Converters (WECs) at EMEC in Orkney, and include topics such as offshore operations; cathodic protection; supply chain experiences; scaled tank testing and the lessons learnt which lead to maintainability improvements.
This report provides a brief synopsis of each of the documents produced by Aquamarine Power, and also includes the high level lessons learnt summaries to act as a ‘sign post’ for the reader. A table in Section 6 gives details of the deliverables available from the project. "