Wave energy conversion by an array of oscillating water columns deployed along a long-flexible floating breakwater |
Cheng, Y., Du, W., Dai, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics |
Feasibility of integrating a very large floating structure with multiple wave energy converters combining oscillating water columns and oscillating flaps |
Cheng, Y., Song, F., Xi, C. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics |
Numerical investigations of a pivoted point absorber wave energy converter integrated with breakwater using CFD |
Yang, I., Tezdogan, T., Incecik, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Experimental and numerical analysis of a hybrid WEC-breakwater system combining an oscillating water column and an oscillating buoy |
Cheng, Y., Fu, L., Dai, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Attenuator |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Coupled CFD-MBD numerical modeling of a mechanically coupled WEC array |
Li, X., Xiao, Q., Zhou, Y. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off |
A numerical performance analysis of a ducted, high-solidity tidal turbine in yawed flow conditions |
Borg, M., Xiao, Q., Allsop, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural |
Hydrodynamic characteristics of a hybrid oscillating water column-oscillating buoy wave energy converter integrated into a π-type floating breakwater |
Cheng, Y., Du, W., Dai, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter |
Modeling |
Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Energy conversion and hydrodynamic analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom wave energy converters integrated into a semi-submersible platform |
Cheng, Y., Dai, S., Dai, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off |
Wave energy extraction and hydroelastic response reduction of modular floating breakwaters as array wave energy converters integrated into a very large floating structure |
Cheng, Y., Xi, C., Dai, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Attenuator |
Modeling |
Hybrid Devices |
A numerical structural analysis of ducted, high-solidity, fibre-composite tidal turbine rotor configurations in real flow conditions |
Borg, M., Xiao, Q., Allsop, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Materials, Structural |
Performance characteristics and parametric analysis of a novel multi-purpose platform combining a moonpool-type floating breakwater and an array of wave energy converters |
Cheng, Y., Xi, C., Dai, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
A Numerical Swallowing-Capacity Analysis of a Vacant, Cylindrical, Bi-Directional Tidal Turbine Duct in Aligned & Yawed Flow Conditions |
Borg, M., Xiao, Q., Allsop, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Substructure |
A numerical performance analysis of a ducted, high-solidity tidal turbine |
Borg, M., Xiao, Q., Allsop, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Use of the Mps method to estimate the energy conversion efficiency of the owc-wec (first report) |
Masuda, M., Sasahara, Y., Minami, K. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Performance |
Wind and wave energy resources assessment around the Yangtze River Delta |
Dong, S., Gong, Y., Wang, Z. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Field Data, Modeling |
Performance |
A validation of a pivoted point absorber type wave energy converter using CFD |
Yang, I., Tezdogan, T., Incecik, A. |
Conference Paper |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Performance, Structural |