Siegel, S.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 17
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Dynamic Estimation and Control of a Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter in Three-Dimensional Sea States Fagley, C., Mohtat, A., Chitale, K. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Numerical Evaluation of Climate Scatter Performance of a Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter Chitale, K., Fagley, C., Mohtat, A. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Performance, Structural
Efficiency analysis of the cycloidal wave energy convertor under real-time dynamic control using a 3D radiation model Mohtat, A., Fagley, C., Chitale, K. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Numerical benchmarking study of a Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter Siegel, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
Wave radiation of a cycloidal wave energy converter Siegel, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Wave climate scatter performance of a cycloidal wave energy converter Siegel, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
3D Efficiency Analysis of Cycloidal Wave Energy Converters in Oblique Wave Fields Fagley, C., Siegel, S., Seidel, J. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Computational Investigation of Irregular Wave Cancelation Using a Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter Fagley, C., Seidel, J., Siegel, S. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Experimental Investigation of Irregular Wave Cancellation Using a Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter Siegel, S., Fagley, C., Romer, M. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
Irregular deep ocean wave energy attenuation using a cycloidal wave energy converter Jeans, T., Fagley, C., Siegel, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter Siegel, S. Report Wave Field Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Experimental wave termination in a 2D wave tunnel using a cycloidal wave energy converter Siegel, S., Fagley, C., Nowlin, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Wave Cancellation Experiments using a 1:10 Scale Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter Fagley, C., Siegel, S., Seidel, J. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data, Scale Device Performance
Experimental Wave Generation and Cancellation With a Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter Siegel, S., Romer, M., Imamura, J. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Structural
Cancellation of Non-Harmonic Waves Using a Cycloidal Turbine Imamura, J., Siegel, S., Fagley, C. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Deep ocean wave energy conversion using a cycloidal turbine Siegel, S., Jeans, T., McLaughlin, T. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance, Structural
Intermediate Ocean Wave Termination Using a Cycloidal Wave Energy Converter Siegel, S., Jeans, T., McLaughlin, T. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural