Event Documents The following is a list of papers and presentations produced by this event. Title Author Date Sort ascending Technology Collection Method Application Development of an Adaptable Monitoring Package for Marine Renewable Energy Joslin, J., Polagye, B., Stewart, A. November 2014 Multi-scale coherent turbulence at tidal energy sites Thomson, J., Kilcher, L., Harding, S. November 2014 Current, Tidal Hydrodynamics On the modeling errors in the tidal power assesssment Filipot, J., Delafosse, C., Marzin, T. November 2014 Current, Tidal Modeling Optimizing WECs for Canadian Waters Bailey, H., Robertson, B., Buckham, B. November 2014 Wave, Attenuator Modeling Performance, Structural Advances in Modelling and Structural Design of Wave Energy Devices Ferri, F., Sorensen, J., Bingham, H. November 2014 Wave Modeling Structural Feasibility of the Agulhas Current for Marine Energy Extraction Meyer, I., Reinecke, J., Niekirk, L. November 2014 Current, Ocean Current Modeling Performance Venturi-Enhanced Turbine Technology Roberts, P., Daly, T. November 2014 Current, Tidal Lab Data Performance, Structural Preparing the Uppsala University Wave Energy Converter Generator for Large-Scale Production Hultman, E., Ekergård, B., Kamf, T. November 2014 Wave Lab Data Materials, Structural Turbulence Modeling for Accurate Wake Prediction in Tidal Turbine Arrays Shives, M., Crawford, C. November 2014 Current, Tidal Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance A review of synthetic fiber moorings for marine energy applications Davies, P., Johanning, L., Weller S. November 2014 Current, Wave, OTEC Materials, Mooring Influence of Wave Resource Assessment Methods on Wave Power Production Estimates Robertson, B., Bailey, H., Clancy, D. November 2014 Wave Modeling Performance Analysing the Effect of the Hot Water Temperature Change on Different OTEC Processes Knorst-Fouran, A., Teixeira, D., Ambrosino, J. November 2014 OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling Control, Performance WaveRoller – One of the Leading Technologies for Wave Energy Conversion Mäki, T., Vuorinen, M., Mucha, T. November 2014 Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Lab Data, Modeling Performance Application of the Aero-Hydro-Elastic Model, HAWC2-WAMIT, to Offshore Data from Floating Power Plants Hybrid Wind- and Wave-Energy Test Platform, P37 Bellew, S., Yde, A., Verelst, D. November 2014 Wave, Oscillating Water Column Field Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hybrid Devices Systematic Design of A Heaving Buoy Wave Energy Device Shi, H., Wang, D., Song, J. November 2014 Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling Mooring, Performance, Structural A methodology for the development of a numerical tool for the lifecycle logistics of ocean energy arrays Teillant, B., Chainho, P., Raventos, A. November 2014 Current, Wave Modeling Factors affecting LCOE of Ocean energy technologies: a study of technology and deployment attractiveness Andres, A., MacGillivray, A., Guanche, R. November 2014 Current, Wave Update on Mermaid Power's Near Shore Wave Energy Units Haynes, C. November 2014 Wave Appraisal of IEC Standards for Wave and Tidal Energy Resource Assessment Cornett, A., Toupin, M., Baker, S. November 2014 Current, Wave Impact of turbulence on the control of hydrokinetic turbine Cavagnaro, R. January 2014 Current, Tidal Modeling Control