Murray, R.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 17
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Accelerated Lifetime Testing of Main Shaft Seals for Tidal Turbine Rotors Skinner, M., Lambert, S., Murray, R. Report Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data Structural
Design, Manufacture and Testing of an Open-Source Benchmark Composite Hydrokinetic Turbine Blade González-Montijo, M., Murray, R., Beach, R. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Toward the Instrumentation and Data Acquisition of a Tidal Turbine in Real Site Conditions Murray, R., Simms, A., Bharath, A. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data Materials, Substructure
Deployment of Thermoplastic Composite Marine Current Turbine Blades in the East River, New York Beach, R., Murray, R., Bharath, A. Presentation Current, Tidal Field Data, Full Scale Materials, Performance
A standardised tidal-stream power curve, optimised for the global resource Lewis, M., Murray, R., Fredriksson, S. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Field Data Performance
Flume testing of passively adaptive composite tidal turbine blades under combined wave and current loading Porter, K., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Murray, R. Journal Article Wave Lab Data Performance
Added-mass effects on a horizontal-axis tidal turbine using FAST v8 Murray, R., Thresher, R., Jonkman, J. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Performance
Added-mass effects on Verdant Power's Gen5b horizontal-axis tidal turbine Murray, R., Colby, J. Conference Paper Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Towing tank testing of passively adaptive composite tidal turbine blades and comparison to design tool Murray, R., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Porter, K. Journal Article Current, Tidal Lab Data Materials
Large Scale Three-Dimensional Modelling for Wave and Tidal Energy Resource and Environmental Impact: Methodologies for Quantifying Acceptable Thresholds for Sustainable Exploitation Gallego, A., Side, J., Baston, S. Journal Article Current, Wave Modeling
Data review and the development of realistic tidal and wave energy scenarios for numerical modelling of Orkney Islands waters, Scotland Murray, R., Gallego, A. Journal Article Current, Wave Field Data, Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
A modelling study of the tidal stream resource of the Pentland Firth, Scotland Murray, R., Gallego, A. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
Development and initial application of a blade design methodology for overspeed power-regulated tidal turbines Gracie-Orr, K., Nevalainen, T., Johnstone, C. Journal Article Current, Tidal Control, Hydrodynamics, Materials, Structural
Passively Adaptive Tidal Turbine Blades: Design Methodology and Experimental Testing Murray, R. Thesis Current, Tidal Modeling Materials, Performance, Structural
Passively adaptive tidal turbine blades: Design tool development and initial verification Murray, R., Nevalainen, T., Gracie-Orr, K. Journal Article Current, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Materials, Performance, Structural
Tow-tank testing of a 1/20th scale horizontal axis tidal turbine with uncertainty analysis Doman, D., Murray, R., Pegg, M. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance
Novel two-stage piezoelectric-based ocean wave energy harvesters for moored or unmoored buoys Murray, R., Rastegar, J. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Structural