Ricci, P.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 15
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Time-Domain Models Ricci, P. Book Chapter Wave Modeling
Control Strategies for the Grid Integration of Wave Energy Converters at the Biscay Marine Energy Platform Tedeschi, E., Santos-Mugica, M., Ricci, P. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Full Scale Grid Integration, Power Take Off
Control strategies for a wave energy converter connected to a hydraulic power take-off Ricci, P., Lopez, J., Santos, M. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Power Take Off
Integrating Wave and Tidal Current Power: Case Studies through Modelling and Simulation Santos, M., Salcedo, F., Ben Haim, D. Report Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Grid Integration
Wave groupiness and spectral bandwidth as relevant parameters for the performance assessment of wave energy converters Saulnier, J., Clément, A., de O. Falcao, A. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Site matching and interaction effects Myers, L., Bahaj, A., Heller, V. Report Current, Tidal, Wave Array Effects
Economic Assessment of Marine Energy Schemes Stallard, T., Harrison, G., Ricci, P. Conference Paper Current, Wave
Control Strategies for a simple Point-Absorber Connected to a Hydraulic Power Take-off Ricci, P., Santos, M., Villate, J. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Mean Power Output Estimation of WECs in Simulated Sea Saulnier, J., Ricci, P., Clément, A. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
OCEANTEC: Sea Trials of a Quarter Scale Prototype Salcedo, F., Ruiz-Minguela, P., Rodriguez, R. Conference Paper Wave Field Data, Modeling Mooring, Structural
Global analysis of pre-normative research activities for marine energy Ricci, P., Villate, J., Scuottao, M. Report Current, Tidal, Wave
Guidance protocols on choosing of electrical connection configurations Ricci, P., Lopez, J., Plaza, J. Report Current, Tidal, Wave Grid Integration
Spectral Bandwidth and WEC Performance Assessment Saulnier, J., Ricci, P., Pontes, M. Conference Paper Wave Field Data, Modeling Performance
Experimental and numerical analysis of the oscillating water column inside a surface-piercing vertical cylinder in regular waves Lopes, M., Ricci, P., Gato, L. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Point-absorber arrays: a configuration study off the Portuguese West-Coast Ricci, P., Saulnier, J., de O. Falcao, A. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance