Towards data-driven and data-based control of wave energy systems: Classification, overview, and critical assessment |
Pasta, E., Faedo, N., Mattiazzo, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Control |
On data-based control-oriented modelling applications in wave energy systems |
Pasta, E., Paduano, B., Mattiazzo, G. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Control, Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Power Take Off |
An Overview of an experimental campaign for arrays of wave energy conversion systems |
Faedo, N., Peña-Sanchez, Y., Pasta, E. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Control synthesis via Impedance-Matching in panchromatic conditions: a generalised framework for moored systems |
Paduano, B., Pasta, E., Faedo, N. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Mooring, Performance |
Design considerations for a hybrid wind-wave platform under energy-maximising control |
Celesti, M., Paduano, B., Peña-Sanchez, Y. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Control, Hydrodynamics |
On spatial interpolation of ocean energy source variables: A comparative analysis |
Gambarelli, L., Pasta, E., Giorgi, G. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
SWELL: An open-access experimental dataset for arrays of wave energy conversion systems |
Faedo, N., Peña-Sanchez, Y., Pasta, E. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Intuitive LTI energy-maximising control for multi-degree of freedom wave energy converters: The PeWEC case |
Carapellese, F., Pasta, E., Paduano, B. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter |
Lab Data |
Control |
Data-driven control of a Pendulum Wave Energy Converter: A Gaussian Process Regression approach |
Gioia, D., Pasta, E., Brandimarte, P. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter |
Modeling |
Control |
Constraint handling in extremum-seeking control for wave energy systems: A case study |
Pasta, E., Faedo, N., Parrinello. L. |
Conference Paper |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Control, Performance |
Towards efficient extremum-seeking control of wave energy systems: possibilities and pitfalls |
Moens de Hase, D., Pasta, E., Faedo, N. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Control, Hydrodynamics |
A Model-Free Control Strategy Based on Artificial Neural Networks for PeWEC |
Pasta, E., Carapellese, F., Brandimarte, P. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off |
An adaptive and energy-maximizing control optimization of wave energy converters using an extremum-seeking approach |
Parrinello. L., Dafnakis, P., Pasta, E. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Performance, Power Take Off |
Experimental Validation and Comparison of Numerical Models for the Mooring System of a Floating Wave Energy Converter |
Paduano, B., Giorgi, G., Gomes, R. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Mooring |