
Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 108
Title Sort descending Author Date Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
A dynamic model for control purposes of a wave energy power plant buoyancy system Nielsen, K., Pedersen, T. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Modeling Control
A methodology for production and cost assessment of a farm of wave energy converters Beels, C., Troch, P., Kofoed, J. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Array Effects
A NEW SEAWATER LOW-HEAD TURBINE FOR THE OBREC Contestabile, P., Rubino, L., Crispino, G. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Lab Data Power Take Off
A review of wave energy converter technology Drew, B., Plummer, A., Sahinkaya, M. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, Overtopping, Point Absorber, Pressure Differential Control, Power Take Off
A Simple Model to Assess the Performance of an Overtopping Wave Energy Converter Embedded in a Port Breakwater Cavallaro, L., Iuppa, C., Castiglione, F. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Control, Performance
A techno-economic assessment of wave energy resources in the Philippines Quitoras, M., Abundo, M., Danao, L. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Point Absorber, Attenuator Modeling
A viscous rotational model for wave overtopping over marine structure Zhuang, F. , Lee, J. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling
Advances and challenges in ocean wave energy harvesting Barua, A., Rasel, S. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Point Absorber, Oscillating Water Column, Attenuator
An approximate solution for the wave energy shadow in the lee of an array of overtopping type wave energy converters Monk, K., Zou, Q., Conley, D. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Hydrodynamics
Analysis and comparison of power generation from regular waves for floaters with different geometries Paludo, R., Miguel, M., Rocha, G. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Analyzing the Performance of Wave-Energy Generator Systems (SSG) for the Southern Coasts of Iran, in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Khalifehei, K., Azizyan, G., Gualtieri, C. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling
Application of the time-dependent mild-slope equations for the simulation of wake effects in the lee of a farm of Wave Dragon wave energy converters Beels, C., Troch, P., De Visch, K. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Hydrodynamics
Assessing the optimal location for a shoreline wave energy converter Veigas, M., Lopez, M., Iglesias, G. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling
Assessment of the performances of various wave energy converters along the European continental coasts Rusu, L., Onea, F. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Point Absorber, Attenuator Modeling Performance
CFD Numerical Simulation and Experiments on Seawave Slot-Cone Generator in Random Wave Buccino, M., Dentale, F., Salerno, D. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Hydrodynamics
Co-located wave and offshore wind farms: a preliminary case study of an hybrid array Pérez-Collazo, C., Astariz, S., Abanades, J. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Hybrid Devices
Coastal Defence Integrating Wave-Energy-Based Desalination: A Case Study in Madagascar Contestabile, P., Vicinanza, D. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Salinity Gradient Field Data, Full Scale Performance
Comparison and Sensitivity Investigations of a CALM and SALM Type Mooring System for Wave Energy Converters Pecher, A., Foglia, A., Kofoed, J. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Mooring
Comparison of Mooring Loads in Survivability Mode on the Wave Dragon Wave Energy Converter Obtained by a Numerical Model and Experimental Data Parmeggiani, S., Muliawan, M., Gao, Z. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring
Current and Novel Electrical Generator Technology for Wave Energy Converters Mueller, M., Polinder, H., Baker, N. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping, Pressure Differential, Oscillating Water Column Performance, Power Take Off, Structural
Design strategies and life cycle assessment for the improvement of economic and environmental sustainability of OBREC Colaleo, G., Contestabile, P., Azzellino, A. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Lab Data, Modeling, Test Center Performance, Structural
Development and Assessment of a Hybrid Breakwater-Integrated Wave Energy Converter Calheiros-Cabral, T., Majidi, A., Ramos, V. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Development and design of the WaveCat energy converter Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., Castro, A. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping
Development and Validation of Technical and Economic Feasibility of a Multi MW Wave Dragon Offshore Wave Energy Converter Wave Dragon Report Wave, Overtopping
Development of a composite sea wall wave energy converter system Buccino, M., Stagonas, D., Vicinanza, D. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Performance
Dual wave farms for energy production and coastal protection under sea level rise Rodriguez-Delgado, C., Bergillos, R., Iglesias, G. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
Economic assessment of Overtopping BReakwater for Energy Conversion (OBREC): a case study in Western Australia Contestabile, P., Di Lauro, E., Buccino, M. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling
Economic feasibility study of ocean wave electricity generation in Brazil de Oliveira, L., dos Santos, I., Schmidt, N. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Attenuator
Empirical overtopping volume statistics at an OBREC Iuppa, C., Cavallaro, L., Musumeci, R. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Lab Data Performance, Structural
Evaluating the economic viability of near-future wave energy development along the Galician coast using LCoE analysis for multiple wave energy devices deCastro, M., Lavidas, G., Arguilé-Pérez, B. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Point Absorber, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, Attenuator
Evaluation of the Wave Energy Conversion Efficiency in Various Coastal Environments Rusu, E. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Water Column, Attenuator Modeling
Experimental Proof-of-Concept of a Hybrid Wave Energy Converter Based on Oscillating Water Column and Overtopping Mechanisms Simonetti, I., Esposito, A., Cappietti, L. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Scale Device Performance
Experimental study on multi-level overtopping wave energy convertor under regular wave conditions Liu, Z., Han, Z., Shi, H. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Lab Data, Scale Device
Experimental study on overtopping performance of a circular ramp wave energy converter Liu, Z., Shi, H., Cui, Y. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Lab Data Performance, Structural
Experimental Study Related to the Mooring Design for the 1.5 MW Wave Dragon WEC Demonstrator at DanWEC Parmeggiani, S., Kofoed, J., Friis-Madsen, E. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Mooring
Experimental Update of the Overtopping Model Used for the Wave Dragon Wave Energy Converter Parmeggiani, S., Kofoed, J., Friis-Madsen, E. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Performance
Feasibility and LCA for a Wave Dragon platform with wind turbines Sorensen, H., Friis-Madsen, E., Russel, I. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Field Data, Scale Device Hybrid Devices
Feasibility assessment for installing Sea-wave Slot-cone Generator breakwater in the Iranian coasts of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Salimi, F., Rahbani, M., Mohammadi, B. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Field Data
Full-scale prototype of an overtopping breakwater for wave energy conversion Contestabile, P., Vincenzo, F. , Di Lauro, E. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Field Data, Full Scale Performance
Geometric evaluation of the main operational principle of an overtopping wave energy converter by means of Constructal Design Martins, J., Goulart, M., Gomes, M. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Performance
Geometry optimization of an overtopping wave energy device implemented into the new breakwater of the Hanstholm Port expansion Margheritini, L., Stratigaki, V., Troch, P. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Modeling Performance
Hydraulic characteristics of seawave slot-cone generator pilot plant at Kvitsøy (Norway) Margheritini, L., Vicinanza, D., Kofoed, J. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Lab Data, Modeling
Hydraulic Performance of an Innovative Breakwater for Overtopping Wave Energy Conversion Iuppa, C., Contestabile, P., Cavallaro, L. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Lab Data, Scale Device Hydrodynamics
Hydrodynamic performance of a dual-floater hybrid system combining a floating breakwater and an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter Zhang, H., Zhou, B., Vogel, C. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Innovative rubble mound breakwaters for overtopping wave energy conversion Vicinanza, D., Contestabile, P., Norgaard, J. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Structural
Integration of Marine Wave Energy Converters into Seaports: A Case Study in the Port of Valencia Cascajo, R. , García, E., Quiles, E. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Overtopping
Investigations on the porous media equations and resistance coefficients for coastal structures Jensen, B., Jacobsen, N., Christensen, E. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Italian wave energy: state of the art and challenges of exiting full scale pilots Contestabile, P., Mattiazzo, G., Romolo, A. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Water Column, Attenuator Field Data Performance, Power Take Off
Laboratory Tests in the Development of WaveCat Allen, J., Sampanis, K., Wan, J. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling, Scale Device Performance
Measurements of overtopping flow time series on the Wave Dragon, wave energy converter Tedd, J., Kofoed, J. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Field Data, Modeling