Output of a tidal farm in yawed flow and varying turbulence using GAD-CFD |
Badoe, C., Li, X., Williams, A. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Assessing wave-turbulence separation from ADCP measurements with artificial flow data |
Togneri, M., Masters, I., Williams, A. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Project: Stage I – Steady Flow Blind Predictions |
Wilden, R., Chen, S., Harvey, S. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Lab Data |
Performance |
Characterizing the Marine Energy Test Area (META) in Wales, UK |
Neill, S., Fairley, I., Fairley, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Wave |
Field Data |
Influence of directional wave spreading on a WEC device |
Faraggiana, E., Chapman, J., Masters, I. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling, Full Scale |
Performance |
Comparison of dense optical flow and PIV techniques for mapping surface current flow in tidal stream energy sites |
McIlvenny, J., Williamson, B., Fairley, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Field Data |
Drone-based large-scale particle image velocimetry applied to tidal stream energy resource assessment |
Fairley, I., Williamson, B., McIlvenny, J. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Field Data |
Investigation of new layout design concepts of an array-on-device WaveSub device |
Faraggiana, E., Chapman, J., Williams, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Array Effects |
Robust validation of a generalised actuator disk CFD model for tidal turbine analysis using the FloWave ocean energy research facility |
Badoe, C., Edmunds, M., Williams, A. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Modeling, Test Center |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
A Low-Cost, Modular, Open Source Datalogging System |
Lake, T., Masters, I., Williams, A. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Medium-term variability of the UK's combined tidal energy resource for a net-zero carbon grid |
Todeschini, G., Coles, D., Lewis, M. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Grid Integration |
Flexible membrane structures for wave energy harvesting: A review of the developments, materials and computational modelling approaches |
Collins, I., Hossain, M., Dettmer, W. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Materials, Power Take Off, Structural |
Wave-turbulence separation at a tidal energy site with empirical orthogonal function analysis |
Togneri, M., Masters, I., Fairley, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Modeling |
Performance |
A spectral-statistical filter for decoupling wave and turbulence effects at tidal sites |
Togneri, M., Masters, I., Williams, A. |
Conference Paper |
Tidal, Wave |
Modeling |
A preliminary assessment of the use of drones to quantify current velocities at tidal stream sites |
Fairley, I., Williamson, B., McIlvenny, J. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Field Data, Modeling |
Output of a tidal farm in yawed flow and varying turbulence using GAD-CFD without power tracking |
Badoe, C., Li, X., Williams, A. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Ups and Downs of Data Recording on Tidal Devices |
Lake, T., Williams, A., Masters, I. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Mooring, Structural |
A three-dimensional regional scale model for tidal stream turbine implementation and impact assessment |
Li, X., Li, M., Wolf, J. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Effect of improved representation of tidal turbine blade geometry in blade element momentum theory |
Evans, I., Togneri, M., Lake, T. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Motion tracking of a free-yawing floating tidal stream turbine platform |
Lake, T., Williams, A., Masters, I. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Field Data |
Strain gauge measurements on a full scale tidal turbine blade |
Lake, T., Hughes, J., Togneri, M. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Field Data, Full Scale |
Structural |
Focused wave interactions with floating structures: a blind comparative study |
Ransley, E., Brown, S., Hann, M. |
Journal Article |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Mooring |
Genetic based optimisation of the design parameters for an array-on-device orbital motion wave energy converter |
Faraggiana, E., Chapman, J., Williams, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Structural |
A blind test on floats in extreme waves using a transient potential flow model |
Hughes, J., Williams, A., Masters, I. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Computational modelling and experimental tank testing of the multi float WaveSub under regular wave forcing |
Faraggiana, E., Whitlam, C., Chapman, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off |
A classification system for global wave energy resources based on multivariate clustering |
Fairley, I., Lewis, M., Robertson, B. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
A spatially nonlinear generalised actuator disk model for the simulation of horizontal axis wind and tidal turbines |
Edmunds, M., Williams, A., Masters, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Comparison of synthetic turbulence approaches for blade element momentum theory prediction of tidal turbine performance and loads |
Togneri, M., Pinon, G., Carlier, C. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural |
Power variability of tidal-stream energy and implications for electricity supply |
Lewis, M., McNaughton, J., Márquez-Dominguez, C. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Field Data |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Wave-turbulence separation with empirical orthogonal function analysis |
Togneri, M., Masters, I., Fairley, I. |
Conference Paper |
Tidal |
Field Data |
Multi-directional waves and time domain perturbed field visualization of the WaveSub device |
Faraggiana, E., Masters, I., Chapman, J. |
Conference Paper |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off |
Feasibility of Investment in Blue Growth Multiple-Use of Space and Multi-use Platform Projects; Results of a Novel Assessment Approach and Case Studies |
Dalton, G., Bardócz, T., Blanch, M. |
Journal Article |
Tidal range energy resource and optimization – Past perspectives and future challenges |
Neill, S., Angeloudis, A., Robins, P. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Array Effects |
The influence of waves on morphodynamic impacts of energy extraction at a tidal stream turbine site in the Pentland Firth |
Fairley, I., Karunarathna, H., Masters, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Spatio-temporal variation in wave power and implications for electricity supply |
Fairley, I., Smith, H., Robertson, B. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
A Hybrid Prognostic Methodology for Tidal Turbine Gearboxes |
Elasha, F., Mba, D., Togneri, M. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Comparison of ADCP observations and 3D model simulations of turbulence at a tidal energy site |
Togneri, M., Lewis, M., Neill, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Algorithms for marine mammal modelling and an application in Ramsey Sound |
Masters, I., Lake, T., Croft, T. |
Conference Paper |
Tidal |
Lab Data, Modeling |
An analysis of the wave climate in South Wales, UK |
Fairley, I., Williams, H., Horrillo-Caraballo, J. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Field Data |
A risk assessment methodology for combining marine renewables with other blue economy activities via multi-use of spaces and platforms |
Williams, H., Masters, I., Pletsas, D. |
Conference Paper |
The effects of turbulence intensity on the downstream performance of horizontal axis tidal stream turbines |
Masters, I., Williams, A., Edmunds, M. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
An enhanced disk averaged CFD model for the simulation of horizontal axis tidal turbines |
Edmunds, M., Williams, A., Masters, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Visualisation of Coastal Flows in Tidal Channels Supporting Ocean Energy Development |
Zangiabadi, E. , Edmunds, M., Fairley, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Growing the marine energy supply chain in Wales |
Potter, G., Tunstall, T., Masters, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Wave |
Aspects of tidal stream turbine modelling in the natural environment using a coupled BEM–CFD model |
Edmunds, M., Malki, R., Williams, A. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural |
The effects of a Severn Barrage on wave conditions in the Bristol Channel |
Fairley, I., Ahmadian, R., Falconer, R. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Planning tidal stream turbine array layouts using a coupled blade element momentum – computational fluid dynamics model |
Malki, R., Masters, I., Williams, A. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Array Effects |
The Buhl correction factor applied to high induction conditions for tidal stream turbines |
Chapman, C., Masters, I., Togneri, M. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
The Influence of Flow Acceleration on Tidal Stream Turbine Wake Dynamics: A Numerical Study Using a Coupled BEM–CFD Model |
Masters, I., Malki, R., Williams, A. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
A coupled blade element momentum – Computational fluid dynamics model for evaluating tidal stream turbine performance |
Malki, R., Williams, A., Croft, T. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Performance |