Yang, S.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 27
Title Author Date Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Dynamic Responses of a 1:5-Scale Ocean Current Energy Converter Yang, S., Hung, Y., Yang, R. Conference Paper Current Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring
A coupled numerical framework for hybrid floating offshore wind turbine and oscillating water column wave energy converters Zhang, D., Chen, Z., Liu, X. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling, Scale Device Control, Hybrid Devices, Performance, Power Take Off
Predictive Control for a Wave-Energy Converter Array Based on an Interconnected Model Zhang, B., Zhang, H., Yang, S. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling Array Effects, Control
The effects of heave motion on the performance of a floating counter-rotating type tidal turbine under wave-current interaction Huang, B., Zhao, B., Wang, L. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Modelling and analysis of inertia self-tuning phase control strategy for a floating multi-body wave energy converter Yang, S., Chen, H., Ji, Z. Journal Article Wave Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Simulated and experimental investigation of a floating-array-buoys wave energy converter with single-point mooring Sun, P., Liu, S., He, H. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Mooring, Performance
The Blade Design of a Bionic Shark Fin Airfoil for a Horizontal Axis Tidal Current Turbine Zhang, K., Yang, S., Gao, Z. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Mechanical Reliability of Flexible Power Cables for Marine Energy Johannesson, P., Lang, X., Yang, S. Conference Paper Modeling, Test Center Hydrodynamics, Mooring
Structural optimization on the oscillating-array-buoys for energy-capturing enhancement of a novel floating wave energy converter system Sun, P., Hu, S., He, H. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Wave energy converters in array configurations—Influence of interaction effects on the power performance and fatigue of mooring lines Yang, S., Ringsberg, J., Johnson, E. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects, Mooring
Experimental and numerical investigation of a taut-moored wave energy converter: a validation of simulated mooring line forces Yang, S., Ringsberg, J., Johnson, E. Journal Article Wave Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Mooring
Mooring forces in a floating point-absorbing WEC system – a comparison between full-scale measurements and numerical simulations Ringsberg, J., Yang, S., Lang, X. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling, Test Center, Full Scale Mooring, Performance
Influence of Central Platform on Hydrodynamic Performance of Semi-Submerged Multi-Buoy Wave Energy Converter Hu, Y., Yang, S., He, H. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Design of Mooring Solutions and Array Systems for Point Absorbing Wave Energy Devices—Methodology and Application Ringsberg, J., Jansson, H., Orgard, M. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Mooring
Long-term assessment of wave energy in the China Sea using 30-year hindcast data Yang, S., Fan, L., Duan, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Experimental study on the performance of a floating array-point-raft wave energy converter under random wave conditions Yang, S., He, H., Chen, H. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Field Data, Full Scale Array Effects, Performance, Structural
A methodology for design and fatigue analysis of power cables for wave energy converters Kuznecovs, A., Ringsberg, J., Yang, S. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Structural
Comparison of Mooring Solutions and Array Systems for Point Absorbing Wave Energy Devices Ringsberg, J., Jansson, H., Yang, S. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Field Data, Modeling Array Effects, Mooring
Dynamic Properties and Energy Conversion Efficiency of A Floating Multi-Body Wave Energy Converter Yang, S., Wang, Y., He, H. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Array Effects, Performance, Power Take Off
Parametric study of the dynamic motions and mechanical characteristics of power cables for wave energy converters Yang, S., Ringsberg, J., Johnson, E. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Substructure
Experimental and numerical investigation of a taut-moored wave energy converter: A validation of simulated buoy motions Yang, S., Ringsberg, J., Johnson, E. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device
Analysis of biofouling effect on the fatigue life and energy performance of wave energy converter system Yang, S., Ringsberg, J., Johnson, E. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Mooring, Performance
A comparison of coupled and de-coupled simulation procedures for the fatigue analysis of wave energy converter mooring lines Yang, S., Ringsberg, J., Johnson, E. Journal Article Wave Modeling Mooring
The influence of biofouling on power capture and the fatigue life of mooring lines and power cables used in wave energy converters Yang, S., Ringsberg, J., Johnson, E. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Mooring, Performance
Design and Development of Wave Energy - Wind Energy Hybrid Power Generation System Yang, S., He, G., Zhang, H. Journal Article Wave Hybrid Devices
Experimental investigation on an ammonia-water based ocean thermal energy conversion system Yuan, H., Mei, N., Hu, S. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Lab Data Performance
How motion trajectory affects energy extraction performance of a biomimic energy generator with an oscillating foil? Xiao, Q., Liao, W., Yang, S. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil Modeling Performance