DuPont, B.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 22
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Understanding the uncertainty in the technical performance level assessment for wave energy Trueworthy, A., Roach, A., DuPont, B. Journal Article Wave Performance
An Early Design Phase Method for Characterizing and Comparing Wave Energy Converter Archetypes Roach, A., Meek, M., Ali, R. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Materials, Substructure
Upsampling wave temporal resolution: Investigating wave parameters and the influence on WEC power performance Mankle, H., Robertson, B., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Performance
Temporal upsampling of wave parameters and impact on time-domain floating body response and wave power Mankle, H., Branson, P., DuPont, B. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
Submerged Wave Energy Converters: Subsurface wave energy resources and review of device archetypes Roach, A., Meek, M., Robertson, B. Presentation Wave Modeling Performance
Resource Assessment Upsampling Mankle, H., DuPont, B., Robertson, B. Presentation Wave Modeling
A conceptual design tool for high-performance wave energy converters for Blue Economy applications Roach, A., Trueworthy, A., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
Supporting the transition from grid-scale to emerging market wave energy converter design and assessment Trueworthy, A., Roach, A., Maurer, B. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Grid Integration, Materials, Performance
Investigating the difference between time-domain and frequency-domain modeling of a small-size two-body point absorber Mankle, H., Mundon, T., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Grid Integration, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Design optimization of a structurally flexible wave energy converter Berrier, A., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave Materials, Mooring, Structural
Hull geometry optimisation of wave energy converters: On the choice of the optimisation algorithm and the geometry definition Garcia-Teruel, A., DuPont, B., Forehand, D. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Array modeling and testing of fixed OWC type Wave Energy Converters Brekken, T., Lomonaco, P., DuPont, B. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Array Effects, Performance
The Wave Energy Converter Design Process: Methods Applied in Industry and Shortcomings of Current Practices Trueworthy, A., DuPont, B. Journal Article Wave Materials, Structural
WEC-Sim Array Development and Experimental Comparison Study Mankle, H., Yu, Y-H., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Performance
Towards reliability-based geometry optimization of a point absorber with PTO reliability objectives Clark, C., Garcia-Teruel, A., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Power Take Off, Structural
A set-based design approach for the design of high-performance wave energy converters Trueworthy, A., DuPont, B., Maurer, B. Conference Paper Wave
An analytical cost model for co-located floating wind-wave energy arrays Clark, C., Miller, A., DuPont, B. Journal Article Wave Hybrid Devices
Reliability-based design optimization in offshore renewable energy systems Clark, C., DuPont, B. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Structural
Array Design and Device Damping Assignment of Fixed Oscillating Water Columns Sharp, C., DuPont, B., Bosma, B. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Array Effects, Control
Analytical Cost Modeling for Co-Located Wind- Wave Energy Arrays Clark, C., Miller, A., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave
Wave Energy Converter Array Optimization: A Review of Current Work and Preliminary Results of a Genetic Algorithm Approach Introducing Cost Factors Sharp, C., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave Array Effects
Wave energy converter array optimization: A genetic algorithm approach and minimum separation distance study Sharp, C., DuPont, B. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects