Amirkabir University of Technology

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 22
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Radial basis function-finite difference method to investigate the wave energy extraction by a land-fixed oscillating water column device Gholamipoor, M., Ghiasi, M. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Hydrodynamics
Research on wavestar like wave energy converter arrays with a truss type octagonal floating platform in the South China Sea Luan, Z., Chen, B., He, G. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Power Take Off, Structural
Bilayer asymmetric-based metal-organic frameworks membrane for blue energy conversion Tonnah, R., Chai, M., Khedri, M. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Lab Data Performance
Performance assessment of a combined circular aquaculture cage floater and point absorber wave energy converters Gharechae, A., Abazari, A., Soleimani, K. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance
Validation of a numerical wave tank based on overset mesh for the wavestar-like wave energy converter in the South China Sea Luan, Z., Chen, B., Jin, R. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Adaptive systematic optimization of a multi-axis ocean wave energy converter Shadmani, A., Nikoo, M., Gandomi, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
A review of machine learning and deep learning applications in wave energy forecasting and WEC optimization Shadmani, A., Nikoo, M., Gandomi, A. Journal Article Wave Power Take Off
Predicting Power and Hydrogen Generation of a Renewable Energy Converter Utilizing Data-Driven Methods: A Sustainable Smart Grid Case Study Mirshafiee, F., Shahbazi, E., Safi, M. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
Layout and design optimization of ocean wave energy converters: A scoping review of state-of-the-art canonical, hybrid, cooperative, and combinatorial optimization methods Golbaz, D., Asadi, R., Amini, E. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects, Power Take Off, Structural
Novel concept of hybrid wavestar- floating offshore wind turbine system with rectilinear arrays of WECs Ghafari, H., Ghassemi, H., Abbasi, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Hybrid Devices
The Optimal Configuration of Wave Energy Conversions Respective to the Nearshore Wave Energy Potential Shadmani, A., Nikoo, M., Al-Raoush, R. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects
Influence of inter-foil spacing on energy extraction of tandem oscillating hydrofoils He, G., Yang, H., Mo, W. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance
A semi-analytical solution for energy harvesting via the elastic motion of the circular floater of aquaculture cages attached with piezoelectric Gharechae, A., Abarazi, A., Ketabdari, M. Journal Article Wave Hybrid Devices, Performance
Hydrodynamic performance and the power production of the tidal turbine by new profiles at the leading-edge tubercles Ghazi, M., Ghassemi, H., Ghafari, M. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
A temporal and spatial resolution wind and wave power resource assessment in the Oman Gulf Mahmoodi, K., Saybani, M., Azad, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices
Optimal control of wave energy converters with non-integer order performance indices: A dynamic programming approach Mahmoodi, K., Razminia, A., Ghassemi, H. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Control, Performance
Performance assessment of a two-body wave energy converter based on the Persian Gulf wave climate Mahmoodi, K., Ghassemi, H., Razminia, A. Journal Article Wave Performance
A Rolling Electrical Generator Design and Model for Ocean Wave Energy Conversion Damacharla, P., Jamali Fard, A. Journal Article Wave Modeling Structural
Performance of Two Types of Mooring Systems in the Heave Motion of a Two-body Floating Wave Energy Converter Berenjkoob, M., Ghiasi, M., Soares, C. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Performance
A nonlinear computational modeling of wave energy converters: A tethered point absorber and a bottom-hinged flap device Ghasemi, A., Anbarsooz, M., Malvandi, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling
Feasibility study on tidal and wave energy conversion in Iranian seas Soleimani, K., Ketabdari, M., Khorasani, F. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling
Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Generator for an Oscillating Hydrofoil in a Tidal Current Regime Tarafdar, S., Abroshan, M., Mirsalim, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling