HAPiGYM: Two Rapid Prototyping Environments for Wave Energy Control |
Price, A., Campos-Gaona, D., Davey, T. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Control, Structural |
The Dynamic response of floating offshore renewable energy devices: Sensitivity to mooring rope stiffness |
Smith, K., Davey, T., Forehand, D. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Mooring |
Multi wave absorber platform design, modelling and testing |
McLean, N., Bannon, E., Holland, M. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Structural |
Temporal and spatial characterisation of tidal blade load variation for structural fatigue testing |
Lam, R., Dubon, S., Sellar, B. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Lab Data, Scale Device |
Performance |
Model-scale experiments of passive pitch control for tidal turbines |
Gambuzza, S., Pisetta, G., Davey, T. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Lab Data |
Hydrodynamics |
Numerical Investigation of the Scaling Effects for a Point Absorber |
Pierart, F, Fernandez, J., Olivos, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling, Scale Device |
Constructive interference effects for tidal turbine arrays |
McNaughton, J., Cao, B., Nambiar, A. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Lab Data |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Preliminary hydrodynamic assessment of Mocean Energy’s Blue Star WEC via fastturnaround physical model testing |
Caio, A., Davey, T., McNatt, J. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling, Test Center, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics |
Standardising Marine Renewable Energy Testing: Gap Analysis and Recommendations for Development of Standards |
Noble, D., O'Shea, M., Judge, F. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Control, Grid Integration, Materials, Mooring, Power Take Off |
Wave buoys in current– experimental results and observations |
Draycott, S., Pillai, A., Gabl, R. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling, Test Center |
Hydrodynamics, Mooring |
Round robin tests on a hinged raft wave energy converter |
Ohana, J., Gueydon, S., Judge, F. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling, Test Center |
Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Power Take Off |
Experimental measurement of the loads on tidal turbines using conditions derived from field measurements |
Ingram, D., Sellar, B., Old, C. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Field Data, Modeling |
Acoustics, Hydrodynamics |
MaRINET2- Round Robin Tests: Blade loading |
Martinez, R., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Gaurier, B. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Performance, Structural |
Round Robin Testing: Exploring Experimental Uncertainties through a Multifacility Comparison of a Hinged Raft Wave Energy Converter |
Davey, T., Sarmiento, J., Ohana, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Lab Data, Scale Device |
Performance |
Marinet2 Deliverable 2.7: Final guidelines for test facilities |
Corlay, Y., Vejayan, N., Le Boulluec, M. |
Guidance |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Field Data, Lab Data, Test Center |
Performance |
Tidal Energy Round Robin Tests: A Comparison of Flow Measurements and Turbine Loading |
Martinez, R., Gaurier, B., Ordonez-Sanchez, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Performance |
A framework for processing wave buoy measurements in the presence of current |
Pillai, A., Davey, T., Draycott, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Field Data, Modeling |
MaRINET2 Tidal Energy Round Robin Tests: Performance Comparison of a Horizontal Axis Turbine Subjected to Combined Wave and Current Conditions |
Gaurier, B., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Facq, J. |
Journal Article |
Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Lab Data |
Performance |
Assessing extreme loads on a tidal turbine using focused wave groups in energetic currents |
Draycott, S., Nambiar, A., Sellar, B. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Capture and simulation of the ocean environment for offshore renewable energy |
Draycott, S., Sellar, B., Davey, T. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Field Data, Lab Data |
Environmental & load data: 1:15 Scale tidal turbine subject to a variety of regular wave conditions |
Draycott, S., Payne, G., Steynor, J. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Lab Data, Scale Device |
Performance |
The InSTREAM Project – Characterizing and Simulating Turbulence from a Test Tank to the Ocean |
McMillan, J., Stern, P., Clark, T. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Experimental optimisation of power for large arrays of cross-flow tidal turbines |
Sutherland, D., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Belmont, M. |
Journal Article |
Current, Cross Flow Turbine |
Lab Data, Scale Device |
Array Effects |
Characterisation of current and turbulence in the FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility |
Sutherland, D., Noble, D., Steynor, J. |
Journal Article |
Current |
Lab Data, Test Center |
Hydrodynamics |
Design diagrams for wavelength discrepancy in tank testing with inconsistently scaled intermediate water depth |
Noble, D., Draycott, S., Davey, T. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Field Data, Lab Data, Modeling, Test Center |
Wave and Tidal Resource Characterisation |
Venugopal, V., Davey, T., Smith, H. |
Report |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Wave Model Intercomparison |
Venugopal, V., Davey, T., Girard, F. |
Report |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Modeling |
Protocols for wave and tidal resource assessment |
Davey, T., Venugopal, V., Smith, H. |
Report |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Application of Numerical Models |
Venugopal, V., Davey, T., Girard, F. |
Report |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Modeling |
Analysis of potential power output of a device using a wave-by- wave approach |
Smith, H., Smith, G., Venugopal, V. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Global analysis of pre-normative research activities for marine energy |
Ricci, P., Villate, J., Scuottao, M. |
Report |
Current, Tidal, Wave |