Optimization of the Hydrodynamic Performance of a Wave Energy Converter in an Integrated Cylindrical Wave Energy Converter-Type Breakwater System |
Ding, H., Zang, J., Jin, P. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Design and Demonstration of a Passive Pitch System for Tidal Turbines |
Gambuzza, S., Ōtomo, S., Liu, Y. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Structural |
Instabilities in tidal turbine wakes |
Smyth, A., Nishino, T. , Young, A. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics |
Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Project: Stage I - Steady Flow Experiments |
Harvey, S., Chen, X., Rowe, D. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Lab Data |
Hydrodynamics |
On the accuracy of BEMT and CFD on the power and trust prediction of tidal turbines |
Liu, Y., Gambuzza, S., Broglia, R. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Project: Stage I – Steady Flow Blind Predictions |
Wilden, R., Chen, S., Harvey, S. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Lab Data |
Performance |
Guest Editorial: Special Section on Advanced Numerical Methods and Applications in Marine Hydrodynamics |
Zang, J., Xiao, Q., Manuel, L. |
Journal Article |
Current, Wave |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Linear Permanent Magnet Vernier Generators for Wave Energy Applications: Analysis, Challenges, and Opportunities |
Jafari, R., Asef, P., Ardebili, M. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Pressure Differential, Point Absorber |
Performance, Power Take Off |
Wave energy converter platform stabilisation and mooring load reduction through power take-off control |
Hillis, A., Courtney, C., Brask, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Control, Mooring, Power Take Off |
Reducing wave energy converter mooring fatigue through PTO control |
Hillis, A., Courtney, C., Brask, A. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Control, Mooring, Power Take Off |
Morphing Blades: Theory and Proof of Principles |
Viola, I., Pisetta, G., Dai, W. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Structural |
Experimental investigation of the impact of tidal turbine blade design on performance in turbulent flow |
Smyth, A., Young, A., Gaurier, B. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling, Test Center, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural |
Focused wave interactions with floating structures: a blind comparative study |
Ransley, E., Brown, S., Hann, M. |
Journal Article |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Mooring |
Real-Time Wave Excitation Forces Estimation: An Application on the ISWEC Device |
Bonfanti, M., Hillis, A., Sirigu, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Control, Performance |
Model predictive control of a multi-degree-of-freedom wave energy converter with model mismatch and prediction errors |
Hillis, A., Yardley, J., Plummer, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Control, Performance |
Optimal design and performance analysis of a hybrid system combing a floating wind platform and wave energy converters |
Hu, J., Zhou, B., Vogel, C. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Computational modelling and experimental tank testing of the multi float WaveSub under regular wave forcing |
Faraggiana, E., Whitlam, C., Chapman, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off |
Active control for multi-degree-of-freedom wave energy converters with load limiting |
Hillis, A., Whitlam, C., Brask, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling, Full Scale |
Control, Performance |
On the hydrodynamic performance of a vertical pile-restrained WEC-type floating breakwater |
Chen, Q., Zang, J., Birchall, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural |
Hydrodynamic performance of a dual-floater hybrid system combining a floating breakwater and an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter |
Zhang, H., Zhou, B., Vogel, C. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter |
Modeling |
Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Hydrodynamic performance of a floating breakwater as an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter |
Zhang, H., Zhou, B., Vogel, C. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, Attenuator |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Hydrodynamic response and power efficiency analysis of heaving wave energy converter integrated with breakwater |
Reabroy, R., Zheng, X., Zhang, L. |
Journal Article |
Point Absorber, Attenuator |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off, Structural |
Power capture gains for the WaveSub submerged WEC using active control |
Hillis, A., Whitlam, C., Brask, A. |
Conference Paper |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Mooring, Power Take Off, Structural |
Simulation of a power electronic conversion system with short-term energy storage for actively controlled wave energy converters |
Hillis, A., Plummer, A., Zeng, X. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Grid Integration, Power Take Off |
A Blind Comparative Study of Focused Wave Interactions with a Fixed FPSO-like Structure (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 1) |
Ransley, E., Yan, S., Brown, S. |
Journal Article |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Structural, Substructure |
Geometrical Evaluation on the Viscous Effect of Point-Absorber Wave-Energy Converters |
Chen, Z., Zhou, B., Zhang, L. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Power Systems |
Plummer, A., Hillis, A., Pérez-Collazo, C. |
Book Chapter |
Current, Wave |
Power Take Off |
A Self-zeroing position controller for oscillating surge wave energy converters with strong asymmetry |
Sell, N., Plummer, A., Hillis, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Control, Performance |
Investigation of the benefits of adaptive control applied to the nonlinear CCell Wave Energy Converter |
Hillis, A., Roesner, J., Sell, N. |
Conference Paper |
Oscillating Wave Surge Converter |
Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off |
Control of the CCell Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converter |
Hillis, A., Sell, N., Chandel, D. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter |
Modeling |
Control, Performance, Power Take Off |
Acoustic life cycle assessment of offshore renewables-Implications from a wave-energy converter deployment in Falmouth Bay, UK |
Blondel, P., Walsh, J., Garrett, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Field Data, Modeling, Full Scale |
Monitoring the condition of Marine Renewable Energy Devices through underwater Acoustic Emissions: Case study of a Wave Energy Converter in Falmouth Bay, UK |
Walsh, J., Bashir, I., Garrett, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Field Data |
Acoustics |
Extreme motion and response statistics for survival of the three-float wave energy converter M4 in intermediate water depth |
Santo, H., Taylor, P. , Moreno, E. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Attenuator |
Modeling |
Linear diffraction analysis of the three-float multi-mode wave energy converter M4 for power capture and structural analysis in irregular waves with experimental validation |
Sun, L., Zang, J., Stansby, P. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Attenuator |
Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Linear diffraction analysis for optimisation of the three-float multi-mode wave energy converter M4 in regular waves including small arrays |
Sun, L., Stansby, P., Zang, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Attenuator |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off |
Strategies for active tuning of Wave Energy Converter hydraulic power take-off mechanisms |
Cargo, C., Hillis, A., Plummer, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Power Take Off |
Numerical investigation of laboratory tested cross-flow tidal turbines and Reynolds number scaling |
Stringer, R., Hillis, A., Zang, J. |
Journal Article |
Current, Cross Flow Turbine |
Modeling, Scale Device |
Performance |
Modelling of Marine Renewable Energy |
Chen, L. |
Thesis |
Wave |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Acoustic emission health monitoring of marine renewables: Illustration with a wave energy converter in Falmouth Bay (UK) |
Walsh, J., Bashir, I., Thies, P. |
Conference Paper |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Field Data, Full Scale |
Acoustics |
Optimisation and control of a hydraulic power take-off unit for a wave energy converter in irregular waves |
Cargo, C., Hillis, A., Plummer, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Performance, Power Take Off |
SMES-Battery Energy Storage Systems for Conditioning Outputs from Direct Drive Linear Wave Energy Converters |
Nie, Z., Xiao, X., Kang, Q. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Power Take Off |
Determination of optimal parameters for a hydraulic power take-off unit of a wave energy converter in regular waves |
Cargo, C., Plummer, A., Hillis, A. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Power Take Off |
A Numerical Investigation into the Tuning of an Oscillating Water Column |
Somerville, T., Greaves, D., Raby, A. |
Conference Paper |
Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Control, Hydrodynamics |
A review of wave energy converter technology |
Drew, B., Plummer, A., Sahinkaya, M. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Attenuator, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, Overtopping, Point Absorber, Pressure Differential |
Control, Power Take Off |
Investigating the Performance of a Hydraulic Power Take-Off |
Plummer, A., Schlotter, M. |
Conference Paper |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off |
Extreme Wave Loading on Offshore Wave Energy Devices using CFD: a Hierarchical Team Approach |
Westphalen, J., Greaves, D., Williams, C. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Control, Hydrodynamics |