Dalian University of Technology

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 84
Title Author Date Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
A review of numerical methods for studying hydrodynamic performance of oscillating water column (OWC) devices Zhao, M., Ning, D. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
A review on the technical development of combined wind and wave energy conversion systems Wan, L., Moan, T., Gao, Z. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices
Array analysis on a seawall type of deformable wave energy converters Wei, Y., Wang, C., Chen, W. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
Optimization of the Hydrodynamic Performance of a Wave Energy Converter in an Integrated Cylindrical Wave Energy Converter-Type Breakwater System Ding, H., Zang, J., Jin, P. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Experimental investigation on a novel and hyper-efficient oscillating water column wave energy converter coupled with a parabolic breakwater Mayon, R., Ning, D., Sun, Y. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Spatial focussing of wave energy for improved power capture by an oscillating water column Mayon, R., Ning, D. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Field Data, Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Experimental study on an isolated oscillating water column wave energy converting device in oblique waves Liu, Z., Xu, C., Zhang, X. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Coupled dynamic and power generation characteristics of a hybrid system consisting of a semi-submersible wind turbine and an array of heaving wave energy converters Zhou, B., Hu, J., Wang, Y. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Hybrid Devices, Performance
Power performance of an asymmetric wave energy converter near a partial reflection wall Zhou, B., Zhang, Q., Hu, J. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Performance, Structural
Wave attenuation and amplification by an abreast pair of floating parabolic breakwaters Zhou, B., Zheng, Z., Zhang, Q. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Evaluation of a novel OTEC System composed of Uehara Cycle for power and refrigeration cogeneration Xue, Y., Bian, Y., Liu, Y. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling Performance
Explore the influence of intermediate extraction on thermodynamic performance and economy of Uehara cycle Zhu, K., Bian, Y., Liu, Y. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling Performance
Power performance and motion response of a floating wind platform and multiple heaving wave energy converters hybrid system Zhou, B., Hu, J., Jin, P. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Conceptualization and dynamic response of an integrated system with a semi-submersible floating wind turbine and two types of wave energy converters Zhang, H., Zhang, N., Cao, X. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber, Attenuator Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance, Structural
Experimental investigation on an OWC wave energy converter integrated into a floating offshore wind turbine Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Chen, L. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Scale Device Hybrid Devices, Performance
Energy capture optimization of heave oscillating buoy wave energy converter based on model predictive control Liang, H., Qiao, D., Wang, X. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling
Modelling and Optimization of Wave Energy Converters Ning, D., Ding, B., Guo, B. Book Wave Hydrodynamics, Materials, Performance, Structural
Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Novel Modular Floating Structure System Integrated with Floating Artificial Reefs and Wave Energy Converters Li, Y., Ren, N., Li, X. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Performance, Power Take Off, Substructure
Coupled CFD-MBD numerical modeling of a mechanically coupled WEC array Li, X., Xiao, Q., Zhou, Y. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Wave energy converter optimization based on differential evolution algorithm He, Z., Ning, D., Gou, Y. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Performance, Power Take Off
WEC shape effect on the motion response and power performance of a combined wind-wave energy converter Wang, Y., Shi, W., Michailides, C. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Structural
A Combined Cooling and Power System Based on Guohai Cycle Zhang, Y., Bian, Y. Journal Article OTEC, Hybrid-Cycle Modeling Performance
Geometric asymmetry in the energy conversion and wave attenuation of a power-take-off-integrated floating breakwater Zhou, B., Zhang, Q., Jin, P. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling Power Take Off
On hydrodynamic and electrical characteristics of a self-powered triboelectric nanogenerator based buoy under water ripples Zhao, Y., Fan, Z., Bi, C. Journal Article Wave Lab Data Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Performance
Energy conversion and hydrodynamic analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom wave energy converters integrated into a semi-submersible platform Cheng, Y., Dai, S., Dai, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Lab Data, Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
A Review of SPH Techniques for Hydrodynamic Simulations of Ocean Energy Devices Lyu, H., Sun, P., Huang, X. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Wave energy capture by an omnidirectional point sink oscillating water column system Mayon, R., Ning, D., Zhang, C. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
OC6 Phase Ib: Validation of the CFD predictions of difference-frequency wave excitation on a FOWT semisubmersible Wang, L., Robertson, A., Jonkman, J. Journal Article Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Substructure
Theoretical investigation on an oscillating buoy WEC-floating breakwater integrated system Ning, D., Guo, B., Wang, R. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Numerical Investigation of Wave Energy Absorbed by the Edinburgh Nodding Duck Device in Front of a Vertical Wall Li, S., Teng, B. Journal Article Wave Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Numerical simulation of salinity gradient power generation using reverse electrodialysis Jin, D., Xi, R., Xu, S. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Evaluation of a novel ammonia-water based combined cooling, desalination and power system based on thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analyses Zhou, S., Liu, X., Zhang, K. Journal Article OTEC Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance
Nonlinear hydrodynamic analysis of an offshore oscillating water column wave energy converter Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Liang, D. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Sandwich-like Triboelectric Nanogenerators Integrated Self-Powered Buoy for Navigation Safety Wang, H., Fan, Z., Zhao, T. Journal Article Wave Lab Data Substructure
Nonlinear hydrodynamic modeling of an offshore stationary multi-oscillating water column platform Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Chen, L. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics
Investigation of Nonlinear Difference-Frequency Wave Excitation on a Semisubmersible Offshore-Wind Platform With Bichromatic-Wave CFD Simulations Wang, L., Robertson, A., Jonkman, J. Conference Paper Modeling Hydrodynamics, Substructure
Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Modular Floating Structure with Tension-Leg Platforms and Wave Energy Converters Ren, N., Wu, H., Liu, K. Journal Article Wave Modeling Substructure
Wave loads on a land-based dual-chamber Oscillating Water Column wave energy device Wang, R., Ning, D., Zou, Q. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Structural
Energy, exergy and exergoeconomic analysis of a combined cooling, desalination and power system Zhou, S., Liu, X., Yongning, B. Journal Article OTEC Modeling Performance
Maximization of wave power extraction of a heave point absorber with a sea-state-based causal control algorithm Li, L., Gao, Z. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Performance
Development and validation of a prediction model for the multi-wake of tidal stream turbines Chen, L., Yao, Y., Wang, Z. Journal Article Current, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Array Effects, Performance
The effect of the coastal reflection on the performance of a floating breakwater-WEC system Zhang, Y., Li, M., Zhao, X. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Hydrodynamic investigation on an OWC wave energy converter integrated into an OWT monopile Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Shi, W. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics
Hydrodynamic performance of a multi-Oscillating Water Column (OWC) platform Zheng, S., Antonini, A., Zhang, Y. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Dynamic analysis of wave action on an OWC wave energy converter under the influence of viscosity Wang, R., Ning, D. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics
Experimental and numerical study of dynamic responses of a new combined TLP type floating wind turbine and a wave energy converter under operational conditions Ren, N., Ma, Z., Shan, B. Journal Article Wave Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Geometrical investigation of a U-shaped oscillating water column wave energy device Ning, D., Guo, B., Wang, R. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics
Hydrodynamic Response of a Combined Wind–Wave Marine Energy Structure Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Michaelides, C. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics
Numerical modelling on the performance of a rolling-type wave energy converter with mooring system Jiang, Y., Peng, Y., Zhao, P. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Mooring, Performance
Hydrodynamic Investigation of a Dual-Cylindrical OWC Wave Energy Converter Integrated into a Fixed Caisson Breakwater Wan, C., Yang, C., Fang, Q. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics