Harbin Institute of Technology

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 34
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Research on wavestar like wave energy converter arrays with a truss type octagonal floating platform in the South China Sea Luan, Z., Chen, B., He, G. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Power Take Off, Structural
Power absorption and dynamic response analysis of a hybrid system with a semi-submersible wind turbine and a Salter's duck wave energy converter array He, G., Zhao, C., Liu, C. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices, Substructure
Validation of a numerical wave tank based on overset mesh for the wavestar-like wave energy converter in the South China Sea Luan, Z., Chen, B., Jin, R. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Review on research approaches for multi-point absorber wave energy converters He, G., Luan, Z., Zhang, W. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics
Numerical study of the effect of central platform motion on the wave energy converter array He, G., Liu, C., Zhang, W. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects, Performance
Numerical and experimental studies on a self-protected energy concentrator for water waves Zhang, Z., He, G., Liu, S. Journal Article Wave Lab Data, Modeling Control, Structural
A review of energy extraction from wind and ocean: Technologies, merits, efficiencies, and cost Rehman, S., Alhems, L., Alam, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Ocean Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC Performance
Numerical Study on a Cylinder Vibrator in the Hydrodynamics of a Wind–Wave Combined Power Generation System under Different Mass Ratios Sun, H., Wang, J., Lin, H. Journal Article Current, Vortex-Induced Vibration, Ocean Current Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance, Structural
Novel concept of hybrid wavestar- floating offshore wind turbine system with rectilinear arrays of WECs Ghafari, H., Ghassemi, H., Abbasi, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Hybrid Devices
Influence of inter-foil spacing on energy extraction of tandem oscillating hydrofoils He, G., Yang, H., Mo, W. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Novel Modular Floating Structure System Integrated with Floating Artificial Reefs and Wave Energy Converters Li, Y., Ren, N., Li, X. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Performance, Power Take Off, Substructure
Research on Regional Development Efficiency and Influencing Factors of China’s Ocean Energy Equipment Manufacturing Ma, R., Du, H., Meng, F. Conference Paper
Principal Parameters Analysis of the Double-Elastic-Constrained Flapping Hydrofoil for Tidal Current Energy Extraction Zhou, J., Yan, W., Mei, L. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
A novel discrete control for wave energy converters with a hydraulic power take-off system Liu, C., Zhao, Z., Gao, W. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling Control, Performance, Power Take Off
Numerical analysis and experiments of an underwater magnetic nonlinear energy harvester based on vortex-induced vibration Shan, X., Sui, G., Tian, H. Journal Article Current, Vortex-Induced Vibration Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
A high-precise model for the hydraulic power take-off of a raft-type wave energy converter Liu, C., Hu, M., Gao, W. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling Performance, Power Take Off
Experimental and numerical study of dynamic responses of a new combined TLP type floating wind turbine and a wave energy converter under operational conditions Ren, N., Ma, Z., Shan, B. Journal Article Wave Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Hydrodynamic Investigation of a Dual-Cylindrical OWC Wave Energy Converter Integrated into a Fixed Caisson Breakwater Wan, C., Yang, C., Fang, Q. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics
Performance evaluation of a submerged tidal energy device with a single mooring line Guo, B., Wang, D., Zhou, J. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling, Full Scale, Scale Device Mooring, Performance
Performance Evaluation of a Tidal Current Turbine with Bidirectional Symmetrical Foils Guo, B., Wang, D., Zhou, X. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance, Structural
A panel method for both marine propulsion and renewable energy Yu, X., Liu, P., Penesis, I. Journal Article Tidal Hydrodynamics, Structural
Study on the Optimal Wave Energy Absorption Power of a Float in Waves Luan, Z., He, G., Zhang, Z. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Numerical and experimental studies on cloaked arrays of truncated cylinders under different wave directions Zhang, Z., He, G., Wang, Z. Journal Article Lab Data, Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
Numerical and Experimental Study of the Solo Duck Wave Energy Converter Wu, J., Yao, Y., Sun, D. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Lab Data, Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Real-time latching control strategies for the solo Duck wave energy converter in irregular waves Wu, J., Yao, Y., Zhou, L. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Scale Device Performance, Power Take Off, Structural
Development and optimization of dual-mode propellers for renewable energy Liu, P., Bose, N., Chen, K. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Effects of hypochlorite exposure on the structure and electrochemical performance of ion exchange membranes in reverse electrodialysis Mei, Y., Yao, Z., Li, L. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Lab Data Structural
Performance analysis of solo Duck wave energy converter arrays under motion constraints Wu, J., Yao, Y., Zhou, L. Journal Article Wave, Pressure Differential Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance
An improved neural network method based on the differential evolution algorithm to predict the tidal level in the tidal power station Qiu, Y., Zhang, C., Yi, H. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Field Data, Modeling
Optimizing the performance of solo Duck wave energy converter in tide Wu, J., Yao, Y., Li, W. Journal Article Wave Performance
Performance investigation of a two-raft-type wave energy converter with hydraulic power take-off unit Liu, C., Yang, Q., Bao, G. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Hydrodynamic performance evaluation of a tidal turbine with leading-edge tubercles Shi, W., Rosli, R., Atlar, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal Performance, Structural
Numerical models for the motion and forces of point-absorbing wave energy converters in extreme waves Sjökvist, L., Wu, J., Ransley, E. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics
Optimal design of a thin-wall diffuser for performance improvement of a tidal energy system for an AUV Shi, W., Wang, D., Atlar, M. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Modeling, Scale Device Control, Performance, Structural