Lancaster University

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 48
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
An Experimental Study of a Conventional Cylindrical Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter: Fixed and Floating Devices Sheng, W., Aggidis, G. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data Performance
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Resistive Control Using a Hydraulic PTO System for the TALOS Wave Energy Converter Leon-Quiroga, J., Ogden, D., Husain, S. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Performance, Power Take Off
PTO Control Design for a Multi-Axis WEC Device Hall, C., Sheng, W., Yavuz, H. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Control, Power Take Off
The impact of model predictive control structures and constraints on a wave energy converter with hydraulic power take off system Hall, C., Sheng, W., Wu, Y. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
A Development and validation of the in-house hydrodynamics code and the DNV software for TALOS wave energy converter Sheng, W., Michailides, C., Loukogeorgaki, E. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
A Review of Power Co-Generation Technologies from Hybrid Offshore Wind and Wave Energy Ayub, M., Hamza, A., Aggidis, G. Journal Article Wave Hybrid Devices
Time-Domain Implementation and Analyses of Multi-Motion Modes of Floating Structures Sheng, W., Tapoglou, E., Ma, X. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
A Preliminary Study on Identifying Biomimetic Entities for Generating Novel Wave Energy Converters Zhang, H., Sheng, W., Zhimin, Z. Journal Article Wave Structural
Performance vs. Survivability: Evaluation of a Range of Control Strategies in a 1MW Oscillating Wave Surge Converter (OWSC) Laporte-Weywada, P., Scriven, J., Matysiak, A. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Control, Performance, Power Take Off
Rotor performance, blade loads and wake resolution in Navier-Stokes CFD of tidal stream turbines Attene, F., Balduzzi, F., Bianchini, A. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Multi-axis point absorber wave energy converters Richardson, D. Thesis Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Performance, Power Take Off, Structural
Development of multi-oscillating water columns as wave energy converters Doyle, S., Aggidis, G. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column
Nature rules hidden in the biomimetic wave energy converters Zhang, H., Aggidis, G. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance, Structural
Tidal range energy resource and optimization – Past perspectives and future challenges Neill, S., Angeloudis, A., Robins, P. Journal Article Current, Tidal Array Effects
Design, optimization and numerical modelling of a novel floating pendulum wave energy converter with tide adaptation Yang, J. , Zhang, D., Chen, Y. Journal Article Wave Modeling Control, Performance, Power Take Off, Structural
Numerical Experiments Investigating Odd and Even Overtide Generation by Tidal-Stream Turbines in a Uniform Tidal Channel Potter, D., Ilic, S., Folkard, A. Conference Paper Tidal
Comparative turbulent three-dimensional Navier–Stokes hydrodynamic analysis and performance assessment of oscillating wings for renewable energy applications Drofelnik, J., Campobasso, M. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Tidal range technologies and state of the art in review Waters, S., Aggidis, G. Journal Article Current, Tidal
Analysing the performance of the Archimedes screw turbine within tidal range technologies Waters, S. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Over 2000 years in review: Revival of the Archimedes Screw from Pump to Turbine Waters, S., Aggidis, G. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw
Numerical hydrodynamic modelling of a pitching wave energy converter Bhinder, M., Rahmati, M., Mingham, C. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Wave tank experiments on the power capture of a multi-axis wave energy converter Zhang, D., George, A., Wang, Y. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Seaweaver: A new surge-resonant wave energy converter Chaplin, R. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance
Operational optimisation of a tidal barrage across the Mersey estuary using 0-D modelling Aggidis, G., Benzon, D. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
Constrained optimization of the shape of a wave energy collector by genetic algorithm McCabe, A. Journal Article Wave Modeling Structural
Tidal range turbines and generation on the Solway Firth Aggidis, G., Feather, O. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
The Effect of Wave Climate on the Optimization of the Shape of a Wave Energy Collector by Genetic Algorithm McCabe, A., Aggidis, G., Widden, M. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Optimizing the shape of a surge-and-pitch wave energy collector using a genetic algorithm McCabe, A., Aggidis, G., Widden, M. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Structural
Numerical Modelling of a Surging Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Bhinder, M., Mingham, C., Causon, D. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling
Evolutionary Algorithms for the Development and Optimisation of Wave Energy Converter Control Systems Gunn, K., Taylor, C., Lingwood, C. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Control
Torque ripple and variable blade force: A comparison of Darrieus and Gorlov-type turbines for tidal stream energy conversion. Winchester, J., Quayle, S. Conference Paper Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling
Linear and nonlinear modeling and control of a power take-off simulation for wave energy conversion Taylor, C., Stables, M., Cross, P. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Power Take Off
A Pilot Study into the Optimization of the Shape of a Wave Energy Collector by Genetic Algorithm McCabe, A., Aggidis, G., Widden, M. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Torque ripple and variable blade force: A comparison of Darrieus and Gorlov-type turbines for tidal stream energy conversion Winchester, J., Quayle, S. Conference Paper Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Structural
Experimental tests of an air-cored PM tubular generator for direct drive wave energy converters Mueller, M., Baker, N., Ran, L. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data Power Take Off
A comparative approach to the economic modelling of a large-scale wave power scheme Stallard, T., Rothschild, R. , Aggidis, G. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling, Full Scale
Developments, expectations of wave energy converters and mooring anchors in the UK Ming, H., Aggidis, G. Journal Article Wave Mooring
WRASPA, Wave Interactions and Control in a new Pitching-Surge Point-Absorber Wave Energy Converter Chaplin, R., Aggidis, G. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling Control
An Investigation into Power from Pitch-Surge Point-Absorber Wave Energy Converters Chaplin, R., Aggidis, G. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Scale Device Performance
Current and Novel Electrical Generator Technology for Wave Energy Converters Mueller, M., Polinder, H., Baker, N. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping, Pressure Differential, Oscillating Water Column Performance, Power Take Off, Structural
Estimation of the responses of axisymmetric bodies in spread irregular waves McCabe, A., Stallard, T., Baker, N. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Time series analysis-based adaptive tuning techniques for a heaving wave energy converter in irregular seas Yavuz, H., Stallard, T., McCabe, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Power Take Off
A time-varying parameter model of a body oscillating in pitch McCabe, A., Aggidis, G., Stallard, T. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
On the difficulty of inventing an economical sea wave energy converter: A personal view French, M. Journal Article
Developments in the design of the PS Frog Mk 5 wave energy converter McCabe, A., Bradshaw, A., Meadowcraft, J. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Structural
Absorption of energy from irregular waves by a buoyant, surging body Meadowcraft, J., Stallard, T., Baker, N. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Performance
Comparison of Equivalent Capacity Wave Energy Schemes Rothschild, R. , Stallard, T., Bradshaw, A. Conference Paper Wave
Heaving Point Absorbers Reacting against an Internal Mass French, M., Bracewell, R. Book Chapter Wave, Point Absorber Performance, Structural