North Carolina State University

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 36
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Bayesian modeling and mechanical simulations for fragility curve estimation of the mooring system of marine hydrokinetic devices de Faria, V., Jamaleddin, N., de Queiroz, A. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Modeling Mooring
Marine Hydrokinetic Farm Optimization for Coaxial Dual-Rotor Turbines Hassan, M., Bryant, M., Mazzoleni, A. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Techno-Economic Analysis of Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converters Dickerson, C., Elsawaf, N., Abdel-Salam, T. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling
Synergistic Hybrid Marine Renewable Energy Harvest System Cui, L., Amani, S., Gabr, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling
Numerical study on micropile group behavior supporting fixed bottom marine hydrokinetic devices in sandy seabed Jamaleddin, N., Gabr, M., Borden, R. Journal Article Current Modeling Mooring, Substructure
Integrated physical design, control design, and site selection for an underwater energy-harvesting kite system Naik, K., Vermillion, C. Journal Article Current, Kite Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics
Co-Optimization of the Spooling and Cross-Current Trajectories of an Energy Harvesting Marine Hydrokinetic Kite Bhattacharjee, D., Tiburcio, M., Opila, D. Journal Article Current, Kite Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Device Design and Periodic Motion Control of an Ocean Kite System for Hydrokinetic Energy Harvesting Vermillion, C. Report Current, Kite Lab Data, Modeling Control, Performance, Structural
Pool-Based Tow System for Testing Tethered Hydrokinetic Devices Being Developed to Harvest Energy From Ocean Currents Vadlamannati, A., Dillon, H., Naik, K. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Cross Flow Turbine, Kite Lab Data
Optimizing offshore renewable portfolios under resource variability de Faria, V., de Queiroz, A., DeCarolis, J. Journal Article Current, Wave Modeling Grid Integration, Hybrid Devices, Performance
A framework for feasibility-level validation of high-resolution wave hindcast models Ahn, S., Neary, V., Allahdadi, M. Journal Article Wave Modeling
A low-order wake interaction modeling framework for the performance of ocean current turbines under turbulent conditions Razi, P., Ramaprabhu, P., Tarey, P. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Closed-Loop-Flight-Based Combined Geometric and Structural Wing Design optimization Framework for a Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Kite Beknalkar, S., Naik, K., Vermillion, C. Conference Paper Current, Kite Performance, Structural
Assessing the Risk of Hurricane Damage to Marine Hydrokinetic Devices Faria, V., Jamaleddin, N., deQueiroz, A. Presentation Current, Ocean Current Modeling Mooring
Shared Anchoring of Marine Renewable Energy Devices Utilizing Monopiles Jamaleddin, N., Gabr, M., Borden, R. Presentation Wave, Point Absorber Modeling, Scale Device Mooring, Substructure
A Retrievable Ocean Petal Anchor for Marine Energy Devices Williams, W., Gabr, M., Shariar, A. Presentation Current, Wave Modeling Mooring
Combined Plant and Controller Optimization of an Underwater Energy Harvesting Kite System Naik, K., Beknalkar, S., Reed, J. Journal Article Current, Kite Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Coaxial Turbines and Unsteady Blade Element Lift for Skewed Rotors Elfering, K. Thesis Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Ocean Current Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Development and calibration of a high-resolution model for the Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands: Implication for wave energy resource characterization Nabi Allahdadi, M., He, R., Ahn, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Modeling, simulation, and equilibrium analysis of tethered coaxial dual-rotor ocean current turbines Metoyer, R., Chatterjee, P., Elfering, K. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Ocean Current Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Nearshore wave energy resource characterization along the East Coast of the United States Ahn, S., Neary, V., Allahdadi, M. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Lab Scale, Closed Loop Experimental Characterization, Model Refinement, and Validation of a Hydrokinetic Energy Harvesting Ocean Kite Siddiqui, A., Naik, K., Cobb, M. Journal Article Current, Kite Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Control
Experimental analysis of dual coaxial turbines in skew Metoyer, R., Chatterjee, P., Elfering, K. Journal Article Current Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Optimal Exploration and Charging for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Energy Harvesting Kite Reed, J., Daniels, J., Siddiqui, A. Conference Paper Current, Kite Modeling Control
Characterization of Extreme Wave Conditions for Wave Energy Converter Design and Project Risk Assessment Neary, V., Ahn, S., Seng, B. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Characterizing Wave Energy Resources for Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, and U.S Virgin Islands Using an Ultra High-Resolution Wave Model Allahdadi, N., He, R., Chartrand, C. Presentation Wave Field Data, Modeling
Modeling and dynamic analysis of a mobile underwater turbine system for harvesting Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Tandon, S., Divi, S., Muglia, M. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Structural
Model performance predicting extreme wave heights for project risk assessment and WEC design Neary, V., Seng, B., Yang, Z. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
Modeling of wave energy converters by GPUSPH and Project Chrono Wei, Z., Edge, B., Dalrymple, R. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Acoustics, Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Performance, Power Take Off
Development and validation of a regional-scale high-resolution unstructured model for wave energy resource characterization along the US East Coast Allahdadi, M., Gunawan, B., He, R. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Micropiles for Anchoring Ocean Renewable Energy Generation Devices Ahsanuzzaman, M., Gabr, M., Borden, R. Conference Paper Current, Wave, OTEC Field Data, Full Scale Materials, Performance, Substructure
Impact of natural organic matter and inorganic solutes on energy recovery from five real salinity gradients using reverse electrodialysis Kingsbury, R., Liu, F., Zhu, S. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Lab Data Performance
The economics of electricity generation from Gulf Stream currents Li, B., de Queiroz, A., DeCarolis, J. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Field Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Marine Hydrokinetic Energy in the Gulf Stream Off North Carolina: An Assessment Using Observations and Ocean Circulation Models Lowcher, C., Muglia, M., Bane, J. Book Chapter Current, Ocean Current Field Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Marine Hydrokinetic Energy from Western Boundary Currents Bane, J., He, R., Muglia, M. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Hydrodynamics
SS Marine Renewable Energy – Ocean Current Turbine Mooring Considerations VanZwieten, J., Baxley, W., Meyer, I. Conference Paper Current, Ocean Current Mooring