
Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 3088
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Design and test of 1/5th scale horizontal axis tidal current turbine Liu, H., Zhou, H., Lin, Y. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Field performance assessment of a hydrokinetic turbine Cavagnaro, R., Polagye, B. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Field Data, Lab Data Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Current Catcher Pontoon Barge Marine Energy Corp Presentation Current Structural
Performance of an ideal turbine in an inviscid shear flow Draper, S., Nishino, T. , Adcock, T. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Control, Performance
Physical and Numerical Modeling of Cross-Flow Turbines Bachant, P. Thesis Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Riverine Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance, Structural
Tidal Turbine Collision Detection: A review of the state-of-the-art sensors and imaging systems for detecting mammal collisions Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult Report Current, Tidal
Hydrodynamic performance evaluation of a tidal turbine with leading-edge tubercles Shi, W., Rosli, R., Atlar, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal Performance, Structural
Hydrokinetic energy conversion: Technology, research, and outlook Laws, N., Epps, B. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Cross Flow Turbine
Wake field studies of tidal current turbines with different numerical methods Liu, J., Lin, H., Purimitla, S. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance
A review on the technology, performance, design optimization, reliability, techno-economics and environmental impacts of hydrokinetic energy conversion systems Kumar, D., Sarkar, S. Journal Article Current
Current tidal power technologies and their suitability for applications in coastal and marine areas Roberts, A., Thomas, B., Sewell, P. Journal Article Current Hydrodynamics, Performance
The flow field of a two-bladed horizontal axis turbine via comparison of RANS and LES simulations against experimental PIV flume measurements Sale, D., Aliseda, A. Conference Paper Current, Axial Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
ORPC RivGen Wake Characterization Guerra, M., Thomson, J. Conference Paper Current, Riverine Field Data Hydrodynamics
Stall Dynamics of a Cross-Flow Turbine Cavagnaro, R., Polagye, B. Conference Paper Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data Performance
Comparison of acoustic doppler and particle image velocimetry characterizations of a cross-flow turbine wake Strom, B., Brunton, S., Aliseda, A. Conference Paper Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data Hydrodynamics
Computational simulation of tidal energy generation estuary-scale scenarios Sale, D., Aliseda, A. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Scenario analysis of tidal turbine arrays: sustainable designs in response to holistic considerations McTiernan, K., Polagye, B. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Array Effects, Structural
Optimization of blade motion of vertical axis turbine Ma, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Modeling Performance, Structural
Overcoming the marine energy pre-profit phase: What classifies the game-changing “array-scale success”? Bucher, R., Bryden, I. Journal Article Current, Wave Modeling Array Effects
Tidal stream characteristics on the coast of Cape Fuguei in northwestern Taiwan for a potential power generation site Tsai, C., Doong, D., Chen, Y. Journal Article Current, Tidal Hydrodynamics, Performance
Assessing the impacts of technology improvements on the deployment of marine energy in Europe with an energy system perspective Sgobbi, A., Simões, S., Magagna, D. Journal Article Current, Wave
The characterisation of the hydrodynamic loads on tidal turbines due to turbulence Milne, I. , Day, A., Sharma, R. Journal Article Current, Tidal Hydrodynamics
Kinetic energy extraction of a tidal stream turbine and its sensitivity to structural stiffness attenuation Morris, C., O'Doherty, D. , O'Doherty, T. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Structural
Diffuser shape optimization for GEM, a tethered system based on two horizontal axis hydro turbines Coiro, D., Daniele, E., Vecchia, P. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Effect of free surface deformation on the extractable power of a finite width turbine array Vogel, C., Houlsby, G., Willden, R. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Array Effects, Performance
Experiments on the hydrodynamic performance of horizontal axis tidal current turbine and desalination of sea water Zhao, G., Su, X., Cao, Y. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Full Scale Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance
The power extraction by flapping foil hydrokinetic turbine in swing arm mode Karbasian, H., Esfahani, J., Barati, E. Journal Article Current, Tidal Hydrodynamics
Power Loss Model for Archimedes Screw Turbines Kozyn, A. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance
An assessment of using variable blade pitch for moored ocean current turbine flight control VanZwieten, J., Pyakurel, P., Ngo, T. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Array Effects, Control, Mooring, Performance
A new concept in tidal turbines Tarver, B., Chan, J., Jo, C. Journal Article Current, Tidal Scale Device Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Design of bare and ducted axial marine current turbines Laurens, J., Ait-Mohammed, M., Tarfaoui, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Optimization of blade setting angles of a counter‐rotating type horizontal‐axis tidal turbine using response surface methodology and experimental validation Huang, B., Usui, Y., Takaki, K. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Modeling Control, Performance
Advanced Energy Harvesting Control Schemes for Marine Renewable Energy Devices McEntee, J., Polagye, B., Fabien, B. Report Current, Tidal, Riverine Field Data, Lab Data Control
Influence of solidity on the performance, swirl characteristics, wake recovery and blade deflection of a horizontal axis tidal turbine Morris, C. Thesis Current, Cross Flow Turbine Modeling Materials, Performance
Numerical modelling of two-scale turbine flow dynamics Bonar, P., Venugopal, V., Borthwick, A. Workshop Article Current, Tidal Modeling Performance
Modeling, System Identification and Linearization of Underwater Turbine Power Plant Dynamics Tzelepis, V., VanZwieten, J., Xiros, N. Conference Paper Current, Ocean Current Modeling Control
Grid parity in tidal stream energy projects: An assessment of financial, technological and economic LCOE input parameters Vazquez, A., Iglesias, G. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Array Effects
Marine Renewable Energy Seascape Borthwick, A. Journal Article Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC
Numerical and experimental study of the 3D effect on connecting arm of vertical axis tidal current turbine Guo, W., Kang, H., Chen, B. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Numerical model simulations for optimisation of tidal lagoon schemes Angeloudis, A., Ahmadian, R., Falconer, R. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Quantifying turbulence from field measurements at a mixed low tidal energy site Bourferrouk, A., Hardwick, J., Colucci, A. Journal Article Current, Tidal Hydrodynamics
Coupled Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Sound in Coastal Ocean for Renewable Ocean Energy Development Long, W., Jung, K., Yang, Z. Journal Article Current, Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Design, implementation, and power estimation of a lab-scale flapping-type turbine Sitorus, P., Le, T., Ko, J. Journal Article Current Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Life-cycle cost-based design procedure to determine the optimal environmental design load and target reliability in offshore installations Seong-yeob, L., Choonghee, J., Bergan, P. Journal Article Current, Wave Modeling Performance
Multi-criteria site selection for offshore renewable energy platforms Cradden, L., Kalogeri, C., Barrios, I. Journal Article Current, Wave Modeling
Measuring Turbulence from Moored Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters: A Manual to Quantifying Inflow at Tidal Energy Sites Kilcher, L., Thomson, J., Talbert, J. Report Current, Tidal Hydrodynamics
Field tests of multiple 1/10 scale tidal turbines in steady flows Jeffcoate, P., Whittaker, T., Elsaesser, B. Journal Article Current, Tidal Lab Data, Scale Device Array Effects, Performance
Biofouling community composition across a range of environmental conditions and geographical locations suitable for floating marine renewable energy generation Macleod, A., Stanley, M., Day, J. Journal Article Current, Wave
Performance investigation of a counter-rotating tidal current turbine by CFD and model experimentation Lee, N., Kim, I., Hyun, B. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Hydrodynamics
Numerical and experimental analysis of a counter-rotating type horizontal-axis tidal turbine Huang, B., Nakanishi, Y., Kanemoto, T. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance